Mille Cochin Info saw this ad on craigslist... isn't that "onthespot's" boy?

I was wondering if she moved out here cause I haven't talked with her in so long but, it was one of those stolen googled pic sellers like to use
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Onthespot was one of the original breeders of MFC on here many moons ago I haven't heard from her in a while so don't know if she still checks this thread
looking at her profile she was last on a month ago... anyone think to look at google pics and see where the image originated?

ok looking at google images, the pic o the roo I found linked to a page msbear started...
but the pic isn't loading for me, so I can't tell who's bird she showed...

and another pic linked up this auction I found... put up by tkay6205 (same user name on the auction and here on byc, and I know she's posted on the cochin thread before)
I recognized the ex-pen in the pic, of all things. LOL

now who's to say the person selling the chicks didn't actually buy those parent birds, but why no newer pics then?
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She actually bought birds from me and I knew her and felt really bad questioning her about it. It was just a case of wanting to show what the breed looked like as hers were all young. I was just thumbing through the craigslist farm ads and was taken aback by that pic cause I had seen it somewhere before. I wonder if Onthespot is still working on them and where she's at in her breeding program. I wonder about Josh's Bantams too. I would bet they both still have MFC..
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Hey MsBear
I usually heard from Onthespot also but havent for quite some time I had wondered the same thing if she was out of them or what And Josh got out of them quite awhile back Was supposed to get some of his when he sold out but never heard from him again Maybe he got sucked up into OZ with Dorothy
Hows your birds coming along ?


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