Mille Cochin Info

We all lose chicks or chickens to some degree. I just hatch out hundreds every year so I have a bigger pool to choose from. When you only have a few hatching then the tragedy makes a bigger dent.
I get what you mean. I just think on things to hard and doing that I make myself unhappy with the way things are going. Like now all my hens stopped laying and went broody but they don't have eggs to hatch!!!
The only hen that is laying is Chipper and tuba just lost her chicks. 8 chicks in 1 day.A sparrow killed them. There was a nest in the coop they were in.
Here are 2 pics of cockerels that hatched from eggs I traded. I'm trying to get one back but not sure if I will be able. She swapped them but luckily I know the buyer.

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Does anyone around the NE OK area need some bantam Calico/Mille Fleur Cochin cockerels? I have a surplus and just want to be rid of them. Free for whoever may want them. Trick is, gotta take them all with you! :D
a couple of the chicks from this spring. The males look promising and of good color. Really trying to get some black into the breast. I heard from another breeder that maybe using a gold laced can help get black into the breast. I've not tried it but who knows

I have a question about the black in the breast. At what age would you expect them to appear, like, do you think they could develop in the second year?

My opinion..... it may depend upon the background breeding in your milles. those with partridge in the background may have black in the breast. I'm curious of any that have tried gold laced in the breeding of milles. Gold laced may help spread black throughout the bird (I don't know the accurate gene term) And I've thought partridge may have similar affect on black spread but the partridge makes so much mossiness in the feather. I have felt a mille cochin would have breast chevrons by full feathering or they won't. Seems like the black in the breast doesn't grow in with age, the way the mottling increases with age. Amy--your thoughts? or Erin?

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