Mille Cochin Info

My 4 Frizzle chicks-

Blue based pullet

My favorite- mille pullet

Dark Mille pullet

Always Love the pictures Mike. *Be forewarned
i see constant photo shoot coming on next week as i believe chicken version of the good Fairy Godmother of the North will begin her journey to Oz
[COLOR=0000FF]yesterdays hatch (for a friend) ALL blonde…. what the heck? Kind of weird. I think the wet one in the front may be little darker, and the chick in the back looks like she has a slight chipmunk pattern. But I usually end up with many different colors. This is odd.[/COLOR]
Maybe a good thing--could be pattern is stabilizing?
That was my first hope, but just wishful thinking. I thought it through and realized that these eggs were most likely all from the same hen. I am curious as to how they turn out. I hope I get lots of pictures once they are at their new home.
Always Love the pictures Mike. *Be forewarned
i see constant photo shoot coming on next week as i believe chicken version of the good Fairy Godmother of the North will begin her journey to Oz


Love the pics Mike!
They're beautiful chicks, Martha, I know your friend will be pleased. I hope you do get pics as they mature
I have a question perhaps you guys can help, How do I get cushion butts?

I have a Mille Rooster that doesn't have the right number of points, so I was working on getting that problem solved, bred him with a couple of my girls, his kids are shooting off the right numbers of points with a bonus of Incredible foot feathering. OMG, the kids foot feathering

But they all just seem to be lacking the cushion butts. They have butts but not as BIG or Wide as I would like to see. My girls have bigger cushions then my rooster does and I was hoping she would throw it off onto the babies but it seems daddy's less cushion butt is where they are going.. So how can I reverse that without losing the other features that daddy has thrown off.. Do I bred the kids with Mommy??

Or replace the rooster??
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Type is one thing that can be easily over looked on these beauties. Glad to see you noticed it in yours.
I breed in Mottled a lot on mine. It adds great type and I also get better white tipping on more feathers and those black chevrons are sticking in there several generations down the line.

If it were me, I would replace the roo. If my roos can't give it here, they are sold. I have one roo per breeding pen. I have several girls for him so I can see exactly what he will produce. Some roos compliment the hens and others, like you say, produce something I do not need.

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