Mille Cochin Info

I been wildly busy! With most everyone in molt I am shipping out what eggs I have and trying to set some for myself. And now is a great time for maintenance on pens as I shuffle some birds around.

For now, I just have a few I continue to photograph. I have some new ones developing out well but just haven't had the chance to snap any good photos of them.

Horrible winds through here today, had a brooder blown over and a whole coop of chickens out and soaked, one was a MF Banty who wan injured and now in my kitchen. Poor girl.
Horrible winds through here today, had a brooder blown over and a whole coop of chickens out and soaked, one was a MF Banty who wan injured and now in my kitchen. Poor girl.

Sorry bout your little MF girl :hugs

Not to bad here after the storm. Kept our power through it and everybody made it through well/ I did head out to do evening chores and I took 3 steps into the brass and was in 6+ inches of water. I ruined those shoes!:D but that's what boot dryers are for. I think though that was the worst that happened here.
Thank you I'm getting a trio from Nancy, Scotty pepper and sugar baby hopefully here tomorrow :)
Thank you I'm getting a trio from Nancy, Scotty pepper and sugar baby hopefully here tomorrow

Yeah! Will be looking forward to your first photo shoot pictures
Im not so great at taking pics but there will definitely be alot of them I have also received a mottled hen to cross on them to help with type an color from Jamie Matt's

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