Mille Cochin Info

Lovely, Amy, I've always liked Shazam!

Martha those girl are gorgeous. I think that dark base color is a step in the right direction. Is your rooster young? Sometimes it takes awhile for them to catch on.

Looking good, Justin!

Mike - I love your chick Floyd.. I recently named one of my chicks "Pretty Boy Floyd"
So I've noticed not many of the MF's are coming out like the MF duccles. Are we shooting for the duccle coloring? I'm having a hard time getting clean coloring on my birds. I've been focusing on type and now that I'm focusing on color I'm finding it is not coming in so easily.
That's what we're shooting for, yes; correct Mille Fleur color and pattern. It's a long-haul project, isn't it?!
Yes, the MF d'Uccles have been around for well over 100 years and they are still battling the correct plumage for show exhibition. We will be going by their SOP for color and pattern because it is already in place.

It can be a pain to work in the correct pattern but if you have type then sit back and breed the best to the best. It will eventually show up correctly.
I fight too much red in my birds, even though I breed in Mottled a good bit. When I do get a really nice patterned bird, the type is seriously lacking and I cull it. I can't stand an unbalanced Cochin.

I get tons that look great as youngsters and then once they hit 8 months old the pattern is gone. One of these days when I have some free time I will research this and talk with some genetics friends but life keeps getting in the way.

Lovely, Amy, I've always liked Shazam!

Martha those girl are gorgeous. I think that dark base color is a step in the right direction. Is your rooster young? Sometimes it takes awhile for them to catch on.

Looking good, Justin!

Mike - I love your chick Floyd.. I recently named one of my chicks "Pretty Boy Floyd"
Thanks, Floyd is starting to get some pattern on his back but his chest is still white. I think he don't look to bad for just over 2 months. About 3 weeks ago he was snow white though- I had no idea how I got a chick to look like that but he has really started to "color" up now.

And Eli is just- well Eli is just being Eli I guess.

Then here are some above pics of Nigus. I can't believe how he has no white.
Martha- those girls are gorgeous. I love that dark coloring on them. I feel like I could have really used it last spring. But, WOW, you girls look great!!

jd08- Your boy looks really nice. He reminds me of my roo from last spring Rem. If you read back about 75- 100 pages you will probly find a billion pics of him.:D
O, and I was looking over Rafael and he must have not been out of Rem and Tuba as he is really blue based. It still doesn't change the fact on him staying here but I think I may have sold the chick from Rem and Tuba accidently. I had a blue hen in with Tuba and Rem at the time and set eggs from them all. I thought that all the blues I sold and Rafael was the only one who had a lot of red. Well, I think as Rafael and another chick that looked just like him at hatch got mixed up and I always assumed Rafael was from Tuba, but I think the black with leakage was from Rem and Tuba instead. It would make a lot more sense as the dark chick always had better type. So, I found a really big mistake of mine in the past 2 months. I was so surprised to see he was blue based!!:lau
Well phooey, cant get anything to upload

Love the new pic's especially that darker based hen--very lovely

Shazam Shazam Shazam--he knows I love him

Floyd my boy gonna be watching you
and sooo--genetics--hmm I think I developed "splash calico"--yeah that's it --meant to do that--oh yes lovely pattern white feather black chevron buff tip -
Well phooey, cant get anything to upload:barnie

Love the new pic's especially that darker based hen--very lovely

Shazam Shazam Shazam--he knows I love him

Floyd my boy gonna be watching you
and sooo--genetics--hmm I think I developed "splash calico"--yeah that's it --meant to do that--oh yes lovely pattern white feather black chevron buff tip -:th

Well, when you can get pics to upload- I wanna see them!!! That sounds just awesome!!! Are you using google chrome to upload pics?

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