Mille Cochin Info

That's what we're shooting for, yes; correct Mille Fleur color and pattern. It's a long-haul project, isn't it?!
Yes a very long haul project, But they are so worth it.

Yes, the MF d'Uccles have been around for well over 100 years and they are still battling the correct plumage for show exhibition. We will be going by their SOP for color and pattern because it is already in place.

It can be a pain to work in the correct pattern but if you have type then sit back and breed the best to the best. It will eventually show up correctly.
I fight too much red in my birds, even though I breed in Mottled a good bit. When I do get a really nice patterned bird, the type is seriously lacking and I cull it. I can't stand an unbalanced Cochin.

I get tons that look great as youngsters and then once they hit 8 months old the pattern is gone. One of these days when I have some free time I will research this and talk with some genetics friends but life keeps getting in the way.

It's very frustrating. Definitely keep us all updated on what you find genetic wise. Thanks for your advice.
Here is "Simba" my 7 month old Roo I hatched this year and keeping. He is so sweet and I love his coloring :) Interesting thing is he was hatched black with yellow chest! So I guess you never know what they will end up like!




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