Mille Cochin Info

Your lucky!! Can't wait to watch them mature!!

Thanks! I am excited! I have so many colors....can't wait to see what they all turn out to look like!
I love everyone's pics!
Here are better pics of my "white" girl, Pearl, and her daughter, Fiona -
(Pearl had white down when she hatched. I've never seen anything like it.)
Also a couple pics include Ike, my Mille Fleur/Mottled roo.
The last pic is of a little MilleFleur pullet that is still pretty young but I think her color will help. I have so many Calico hens.

I have had some very bazaar colors too. It's so fascinating to me... these odd balls. I love Pearl. I breed peafowl too.. just started but, love them. It's a lot different than chickens because every gene that isn't ole fashioned india blue is a recessive gene. so you deal with a lot of splits and you wait a long time for the next generation (takes 3 years to breed sometimes) So, when you get an oddball, chances are it could be a new gene that "popped up." These birds are put back to the parent birds in hopes of creating a new variety. ..anyway, wondering how many new varieties we could have created from MFC culls. I had (what I think is) the beginning of salmon and blue columbian (he was from a blue mottled and columbian) That lemon look I've had several times... wondering if that's "citron"

This will probly be it for pics until I'm back from Indiana. I'm leaving Monday so here are the best I have right now-

Eli- I'm starting to think he may hold this pattern. It won't bother me if he does.

Floyd- he doesn't have much of a tail yet-

My frizzles-



And believe it or not but these 2 girls are the same age-

And Rafael-
Mike, your little "Mint" is precious. I don't know how you get anything done with her around. I would stick her in my pocket while I was doing chores. What a cutie. Have fun in Indiana. Hope you come back with some good stories~!
I love everyone's pics!
Here are better pics of my "white" girl, Pearl, and her daughter, Fiona -
(Pearl had white down when she hatched. I've never seen anything like it.)
Also a couple pics include Ike, my Mille Fleur/Mottled roo.
The last pic is of a little MilleFleur pullet that is still pretty young but I think her color will help. I have so many Calico hens.

Pearl is beautiful. I love Fiona. I'd put her in with a nice Black Mottled. I sure wish some of my girls would start laying. This waiting game is killing me. :)
I have had some very bazaar colors too. It's so fascinating to me... these odd balls. I love Pearl. I breed peafowl too.. just started but, love them. It's a lot different than chickens because every gene that isn't ole fashioned india blue is a recessive gene. so you deal with a lot of splits and you wait a long time for the next generation (takes 3 years to breed sometimes) So, when you get an oddball, chances are it could be a new gene that "popped up." These birds are put back to the parent birds in hopes of creating a new variety. ..anyway, wondering how many new varieties we could have created from MFC culls. I had (what I think is) the beginning of salmon and blue columbian (he was from a blue mottled and columbian) That lemon look I've had several times... wondering if that's "citron"

Erin, what beautiful boys. You've really got the "type" going strong. I'm just now getting back to my flock. They were negelected for 9 months & it's taken me over a month to get everyone back into shape & into breeding pens. Everyone has had their Spa treatment . Now I'm just playing the waiting game for hatching eggs. I so enjoy seeing pics & reading your posts on FB about what is going on in your life. Busy, busy, busy is my guess. So glad to see you back on BYC. I missed ya...... :)
I have had some very bazaar colors too. It's so fascinating to me... these odd balls. I love Pearl. I breed peafowl too.. just started but, love them. It's a lot different than chickens because every gene that isn't ole fashioned india blue is a recessive gene. so you deal with a lot of splits and you wait a long time for the next generation (takes 3 years to breed sometimes) So, when you get an oddball, chances are it could be a new gene that "popped up." These birds are put back to the parent birds in hopes of creating a new variety. ..anyway, wondering how many new varieties we could have created from MFC culls. I had (what I think is) the beginning of salmon and blue columbian (he was from a blue mottled and columbian) That lemon look I've had several times... wondering if that's "citron"

he looks like a normal bbr, either split silver or with dilute added.. plus mottling of course. very pretty. I love that color combination. then again, I also love colored dorkings, which are similarly marked without the mottling.

he's got the white wing triangle, which says he's got either partridge or wheaten base (e-locus) i'd like to see his corresponding hen (or hens from the same breeding?). that would tell you if it's wheaten or partridge. I doubt it's e+ since cochins don't have that... they're either wheaten (buff, red), partridge (partridge/silver penciled, laced varieties), birchen (birchen, brown-red), or extended black (black, blue, mottled, barred). or some odd combination when you start mixing and matching. Columbian seems to work best on birchen base, I believe, but I haven't really researched that variety much on its own, just how the mutation affects other varieties (laced & mille).
I have had some very bazaar colors too. It's so fascinating to me... these odd balls. I love Pearl. I breed peafowl too.. just started but, love them. It's a lot different than chickens because every gene that isn't ole fashioned india blue is a recessive gene. so you deal with a lot of splits and you wait a long time for the next generation (takes 3 years to breed sometimes) So, when you get an oddball, chances are it could be a new gene that "popped up." These birds are put back to the parent birds in hopes of creating a new variety. ..anyway, wondering how many new varieties we could have created from MFC culls. I had (what I think is) the beginning of salmon and blue columbian (he was from a blue mottled and columbian) That lemon look I've had several times... wondering if that's "citron"

Pretty colors on those boys!
I just got a Corronation Sussex, not to cross but to replace my Wheaten Ameraucanas that are just too flighty for my liking. I will miss the blue eggs but I like super friendly birds. Just about every breed is flightyer (sp) than Cochins. My Blue Marans pair are very tame but I hand raise them.
I had Black LaFleche at one time. They were sooooo beautiful but I could hardly ever even get a picture.
Cochins are still the standard for the personality traits I look for.

On another note - I REALLY need to study bird genetics - need to get the Calico out of my Mille Fleur hens even though they are so pretty.

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