Mille Cochin Info

Thanks, I sent her a PM.
I think I'll be PM'ing Lynne as well I want one of her hens! LOL
Thanks, I sent her a PM.
I think I'll be PM'ing Lynne as well I want one of her hens! LOL

I know! She just sent me photos to update the progress page and the pics blew me away.
Hi all,
I just took Erin's list of breeders and posted it on my original post. Is that what you were wanting me to do Erin?
If anyone has eggs available, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know!!!! I can't afford the birds right at the moment...and I really want some millies...Erin had a rogue roo and I ended up with columbian. Not that I am complaining, I love my Columbians!!!!!...I would just love some millies as well. Thanks!
Josh, thanks!!!

I think Alpinefarms and Kellyhm has some now. ... maybe scroll back and see who has what. Josh, are you selling eggs right now?

Someone needs to hook her up!! She's was sooooo excited to get some milles from me and so curteous and polite when she discovered they were not milles at all
Howdy, to all that have asked me recently, I don’t have any eggs available right now. I might have some after the first of the year. I’ve only got 1 cockerel I’ve been thinking of selling if anyone is interested in him let me know. Here’s a couple of pictures.





On a side note, have any of you working on this project been running into darker feet? My most recent hatches have been yielding around 25% of them having darker almost green skin on the top of their feet. Almost all of them with the darker feet have also been pullets, only two cockerels have shown it. The stranger thing I’ve found is that the chicks with the darker feet are coloring out much better than the lighter pinkish/yellow footed chicks. I have several pullets that are golden based with sporadic mille patterns coming in much like the D’Uccles females have. I’m just a little worried about using them with the darker feet. I’ll try and get some photos this weekend and post them here.

Just wondering what everyone’s thoughts on the foot skin color are.
On a side note, have any of you working on this project been running into darker feet?

Pretty coloured bird.

A fair few genes affect leg colour. If you post pics I may be able to suggest something to make the leg colour predicable.

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