Mille Cochin Info

Do you mean dark red in the males or males with a lot of black?

The excessively black ones -- the ones for which I posted a link to photos yesterday.

Remember that regular wheaten roos have a LOT of black on them when they're mature -- so there's nothing unusual about getting black feathers from a yellow chick.
Thanks! It helps to know that. Although you would think I would know it well since I raise wheaten Marans and get yellow chicks! I was just hoping for a different guideline in MFC project birds.
Back to work we go.....remember, this really is the fun part.

I was trying to check and see this rooster you said Josh sold for $140 and I can't seem to find it. Which auction are you referring to? I have checked Josh's auctions and have only found one MF close to $140 and that was for a trio. Is that the one you are referring to? That rooster didn't have any black (however, BIG difference is there were two hens too). Is their an auction somewhere else? I just LOVE the auctions. They are so much fun.

Here is the link to his auctions
I didn't scroll down to see the other hens. ..took too much time
I have a couple minutes here and there inbetween caring for all the chickens, a 2 yr. old and a newborn to play online. Life is hectic right now at best. I hope you all understand that I feel bad about giving wrong info... about this and other stuff here recently. It's kind of hard keeping it all together, honestly.
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You have all my admiration for even being able to put a sentence together.!
None of us are here to point fingers. We all have our good days & bad. At my age there are more forgetful days then when I was younger. Go with the flow, Sweetie, & keep the home fires burning! Two babies, a DH & a passel of are allowed to be insane at least half of the time!
No biggie. I was just wondering if there were another auction place. I have checked ovabid but not too much is going on at that site. I thought maybe you knew of another auction site.

Congrats on you newborn; how lucky you are. I have a two year old too and would also have a baby (my baby would have been 8 months by now); however I lost my baby. Just be greatful you have your little one. Someone out there would love to be in your place.
Busterduck, I am so sorry to hear that.

I do appreciate every moment. Surprisingly, it is much easier this time around as I am not a new mom and am able to enjoy the first few months. When Wyatt was a baby, the dust didn't settle for 4 months with family visiting and him not sleeping and just the shock of it all. Now, Im able to slow down and just enjoy.
OK. Here I go again with the NAME thing! I really HATE that the BYC list uses these stupid nicknames instead of real names. I'm thinking that you are Lisa...

Anyway, whomever you are, I just wanted to say how very, VERY sorry I am for your loss! I can't imagine the pain that you must have gone through.

My oldest daughter lost her first baby (my first grandchild) when she was only a few months along. I remember being surprised at the intensity of the sadness and sense of loss that we all felt. I guess, I had always assumed that if someone lost a baby, early in the pregnancy, it would just be as if they were never even pregnant. How wrong I was. We were all devastated. I still buy an angle ornament (Snowbabies) for that Grandbaby every year...

OK. Here I go again with the NAME thing! I really HATE that the BYC list uses these stupid nicknames instead of real names. I'm thinking that you are Lisa...

Anyway, whomever you are, I just wanted to say how very, VERY sorry I am for your loss! I can't imagine the pain that you must have gone through.

My oldest daughter lost her first baby (my first grandchild) when she was only a few months along. I remember being surprised at the intensity of the sadness and sense of loss that we all felt. I guess, I had always assumed that if someone lost a baby, early in the pregnancy, it would just be as if they were never even pregnant. How wrong I was. We were all devastated. I still buy an angle ornament (Snowbabies) for that Grandbaby every year...


Nancy, I am Lisa (we had a lovely chat on the telephone a few days ago).

It was extremely hard dealing with the loss of my baby. I still have issues with it. During that time I was so stressed hearing my son, Jacob, was diagnosed with Autism (he's the one in the pic with my chicken). My heart just broke. Additionally, it is EXTREMELY hard for me to get pregnant. Getting pregnant with my little baby was a miracle in and of itself. Losing it was and still is devistating.

I am sorry for your daughter's loss too.

The good news is that Jacob is making tremendous strides. He is coming out of his shell and making such progress. I have our animals and my son Eddie to thank for that. We, at no time, have given up on Jacob having a fullfilling and normal life. We are getting there and we will continue to fight this "thing" (autism) that took my son away from me many months ago. (he had regression after shots) Slowly, he is coming back to us. For that, we are extremely blessed and grateful.


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