Mille Cochin Info

If my girls would ever start laying again I'd send you some!
Here are some pics of my mf pullets. All are from F2 eggs except the last one, my best mille marked one is completely unrelated, directly acquired from tate. She is my best one. Plus, I put another gratuitous pic of my F1 roo that I kept back just because he is SO round cushioned and blows the doors off any other roo I have, conformation wise, as well as having a completely easygoing, sunshiney disposition. He gets along so well with other birds, other young roos, the turkeys, even younger Dark Brahma LF roo that is starting to feel his oats. That little F1 roo is a GEM!!! Oh, and he doesn't crow much either. Best roo ever. His job is to put better roundness and full cushions on my pullets. Hopefully the pullets will help with his tipped down wing angle and his tendency to be a little tall in front, which he is not showing in this pic. The cushion though, that is REAL, it is all him, all the time. It is impossible to take a bad picture of this guy's butt! Oh, and as a bonus, his comb and wattles are about perfect too, well, to me they are. Can you tell I really love this little guy?







WOW!!! your roo looks like he could be a cousin to my cockerel Sunny! mine just doesn't have the mf points on his feathers. i'm hoping if i tried breeding him with a mf or a mottled it might give me some nice colors. i know he's not a standard color but he is such a beautifully sweet boy!

any suggestions if on colors i may be able to cross him with to get mf?


he was a little upset i took him away from his girls to get this pick, so he was calling for them while they were calling back.
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OMG, Patty!! just beautiful. I think your best hen is the gal is the 3rd girl while the 2nd one has the best type. ...all are great!!! You are really cooking with butter, now
I hope to be cooking with propane next spring, and rocket fuel next year! I am really going to go for type over color this next upcoming year, and go for better color the following year, more chevrons, better shaped and proportioned chevrons and pronounced columbian traits. First I'm gonna build the frame, then I'm gonna decorate it. This stuff is SO MUCH FUN!!!! My camera has been on the fritz for a while and it took me a while to find the right download wire replacement. Sorry for not contributing more pics to this thread earlier. I have been looking at everyone else's pics and reading all along. Thanks everyone for posting all your gorgeous pics. The more we all know and learn, the better job we can all do to get this variety breeding true, quality, consistently and get APA recognized. Thanks ALL for your hard work and devotion. United we stand.

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