Mille Cochin Info

Oh, crumb, Nancy...
I'm very sorry for your loss of Candy...predators seem to have a 6th sense about how to get in when chickens are "available"...
And condolences, too, about your work. Man, what a holiday weekend you've had!? May your old job RIP. Pretty crazy economy and job picture for all of us.

Little "Hope" will help you get moving on again...

Oh goodness nancy. I loved Candy. I want to cry and she is not even my own bird. I hate predators.

I hope your lone little chickie grows up and turns out to look like candy.

Wow. I'm sad now. And poor splash too. He was my favorite rooster of yours. So sorry for your rotton luck. I've had similars incidents. It's always our favorites.

Soon hopefully you'll have lots of little babies.
Could you contact the breeder you got candy from, and get another similar hen. It's not the same I know. But maybe you'd love her almost as much too.
I want to thank everyone for their kind words of sympathy and understanding. I have to admit, losing Candy the way that I did really knocked my world off it's axis for a few days. It may seem odd but I lost my job on the same day that Candy was taken from me and never shed a tear over the job but was totally devastated by losing my Candy bird. I could do nothing but cry for three days.

I'm beginning to come around now. The new little chick helps a LOT. As does the fact that I DO have another pullet from Candy's breeder. In fact, I have two! They will now be the foundation of my "Calico Cochin Project". I spent way too much time yesterday (as usual) taking photos of my chickens. I was amazed, when going through the photos last night, at how much Opal looks like Candy. Opal is the pullet that was almost dead when she arrived at my house having been shipped from Oklahoma. Thank God I was able to pull her through.

So, life will go on in the Bluff Country. Candy will be sadly missed and never forgotten. I used a photo of her on the home page of my "Calico Cochin Project" Yahoo Group. I've made it my goal (no matter how much some people may think it's 'silly' or 'trivial') to try to delvelp a variety of bantam cochins that have the beautiful coloring that Candy had. I know that I know nothing about chicken color genetics and will have to rely on trial and error and the wisdom of more experienced breeders and I'm willing to invest as many years as it takes. There are already a handful of other breeders that are interested in joining me in this project.

Candy will live on through the Calico Cochin Project.


I will also be 'ramping up' my MFC project. I've got one chick happily living with her EE foster mom and three more due to hatch in 3 days. I have another MFC hen brooding eggs right now and 2 others that are still laying as well as two that look like they are ready to begin. I'll be 'growing MFCs' all winter long in the Bluff Country.

Regular updates with lots of photos will be posted to my blog as well as to the MFC Yahoo Group and the Calico Cochin Yaoo Group.
Opal is certainly poised to carry on Candy's legacy for you in grand style. I think Opal is just stunning, and has beautiful type to boot! Tim's birds all seem to have excelent conformation. Which is why I'm so excited to be getting my pullet (one of Tim's) this week - she's probably either Opal's sister or cousin. As a lover of all things Cochin, I love both the Mille Fleurs and Calicos. Opal is a perfect example of why we should all be open to accept both color varieties. As you are using Trouble on your MF's, which roo are you going to be using on your Calicos? Maybe you already told us and I missed it.
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Hi Gail ~

First of all, I want to thank you again for your call when my world was crumbling around me this past week! I could hear how touched you were as well and it meant a lot to me.

I've got "Red" (from Tim!) in with Opal and Crystal. He's a pretty nice boy with very little black so I'm hopeful for some nice Calicos out of these pairings.



I think Opal and Crystal are between 4 and 5 months old so it will be a while before I expect any eggs. Although I did notice that Opal's comb is starting to get more red. I will also be contacting some of the 'genetics gurus' about suggestions for future breeding options to bring out the Calico coloring/patterning.

I wonder if I should start a "Calico Cochin" thread on here as well so as not to "waste time" for the MFC breeders with what's going on with the CC project. I don't want to upset others by talking about and posting photos of something that is not part of the MFC project.
I can't speak for anyone else on the thread, and I know some have very strong opinions. IMHO, it is too soon to separate the two Tri-Colors - Mille Fleur & Calico. IMHO, until each color variety is perfected unto itself and breeding true, we need each other's breeding stock - not only for color and pattern, but for conformation as well (as well as being able to add different blood lines). I think I've seen something special in every single bird I've seen pictured on this thread - and everyone should be very proud of how far they have come and the contributions they have made, or are going to make in the future. I think the more stock variety we have to choose from, the better. IMHO

And I'm already subscribed to so many threads on BYC - it just gets mind boggling!! I'm not getting any younger, you know!

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