Mille Cochin Info

lol... other than the noise, i don't see how a chicken would be much different than a dog or a cat... and eyah.. people take them all ove hte place in their purses.... if she could keep him in her coat and keep him quiet.. lol...
I know a guy who had this HUGE dog that he was taking via plane to a puling contest (like horses and tractors do, but with dogs). He didn't want to pay the freight, so he had someone design him a "service dog working" harness. He walked the dog right on the plane.
Ohhhh. I am longing for a mille cochin roo! Is anybody selling a "purty" one when the weather gets just a touch warmer? I am in Matthews NC. I could do the shipping deal if it doesn't hurt too awful Pics would be nice..
I've got several cockerels that need new homes. Unfortunately, my camera has been AWOL for weeks now. If the camera ever shows up, I'll post pics!
I am sure I will have plenty of roos.
I already have so many that are 4 months old, 6 weeks old, 4 weeks old and 3 weeks. I know I have at least 20! I don;t know what I am keeping yet but so far there are some nicely colored project birds coming along. I am very excited at how nice they are and since you are only about an hour and a half, it would be wonderful to have someone close doing the project, as well!

I also have eggs due to hatch out of the MF/buff and Mottleds. Hoping for better marked birds but I will be hatching every egg I can get from the girls so I hope to have plenty to choose from. Thank goodness this is a small breed!
Gosh, Nancy!
You get up early! It must be the middle of the night in Bluff Country!

I can't wait to get a few photos of how the babies are shaping up! I have a few that you may like the color and pattern but I don't know about conformation yet. I like it well enough so far but am not overly tickled about. Something to work on and those Mottleds are nice enough to add some decent builds but who knows what could happen? Just when you think you know you have the right pair they throw you peanuts! LOL
That 4 month old buff/white roo is still looking cute as can be but he is smaller than his brothers. I just love his feathering though. I have a 6 wk pullet looking just like him and am excited about her. There is a 6 wk chick also that is almost white! I can't remember if it is a boy or girl though and am enjoying watching the colors bloom out on the up and coming chicks.
This is a great project and I am enjoying it way too much.
I've been drooling over this thread for a while now.........anyone within a reasonable distance from East Tennessee selling chicks/pairs/anything? I hate to ship, especially with the weather as it is lately.....I've got all this free room (large brooder shed, baby pen, large growout pen, plus I free range teenagers to adults on a half acre) and no cute little mille cochins to join the rest of the chickens.

How do you get in on this project?

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