Mille Cochin Info

I am itching BADLY to start in on this project! I bought 2 of the prettiest mottled cochin bantam hens Saturday! I also bought 6 Buff hens but, their combs aren't right. ughhh! Kinda like a rosecomb. Sort of flat. (I know... I!) I'll get some when I get the new battery in for my camera!
I can't find a Buff, Red, Mottled or MFC roo anywhere close!
(Matthews NC 29720)
Alot of good those beautiful Mottled are doing me with no roo!!!
For those of you not on our Yahoo list, here are a few photos of my maturing babies. These are photos of 2 different age groups. Some are 2 months and the other is one month. I did not take too many photos of my 2 1/2 wk old babies as they are still coloring up.
The mess on the floor of their brooder is alfalfa meal. I scatter it down to give them something to scratch in. I have lost too many chicks on shavings in the past and no longer use them for chicks.




I am so saddened. As I write this I want to cry. Bad news warning.

I'm still working on finishing up the pens that got delayed because of all the rain and snow.

So the cochin babies have been in a cage at night, and running free during the day.

Well a few days ago, when I went to put them up one of my 4 roosters was missing. I looked everywhere, and I was so upset.

Well this morning I go to let them out. And one of the wouldn't come out of the cage.

I looked and to my horror his foot is completely gone. He has just a mesy bloody stump. I had the cage surrouned by plywood. But there was a little 1 inch gap, which I thought would be fine. It's been like that for weeks, and they surely aren't stupid enough to lay there. A possum seems to have reached through and pulled out his leg, and bit it off.

I rushed him into the house. He looks fines overall. Not acting weird. He hops along, eats drinks.

I was going to put him out of his misery. But I just haven't decided yet. He still looks so normal.... I cried my eyes out about him. And there he sits in a box on my table now. Awaiting my decesion.

Then. I go out ot visit with my remaining 4 babies a few hours later after I went and did some errands.

And the best rooster is gone. Just gone. In broad daylight. He was a nearly perfect MFC pattern, and so sweet. I'm bawling my eyes out about him now too.
Of all the dirty rotton luck. I went from 4 roosters to 1.

I scooped up the remaining 3 birds, and just stuck them in with some other babies that are a few months older. I didn't want to do it. Because I didn't want them picked on. But being picked on is so much better than being eaten.

I am here crying. The only rooster left is all red. No pattern on him. Not spotted at all.

I am so hurt and upset, and feeling so guilty. They've been free ranging and sleeping in the cage for weeks and all the sudden I lose three in like 2 days. I don't even have any pictures, because I've been so busy. I miss my poor little birdies. Wah.

What should I do about stumpy as I now call him. I was going to do the deed. But as I peeked in at him, he looked so sad at me. He seems so fine... I just don't know. Even if I save him he will be another useless rooster. But sheesh. I practicly already run a farm full of outcasts and cripples so why not. He is beautiful too. Not typical MFC. But in my opinion cuter. I can give him a bath and put on some bedodine. Maybe give him a shot of Pen One? How much shoudl the dosage be?
..just some words of comfort... The first time I had a hen completely disappear, I thought she must've been sitting somewhere on eggs. It didn't dawn on me that I had a predator for a couple missing birds
It hit me when I heard them screaming one day. I ran out to help and saved some peeps from getting nailed by a hawk. It really is ashame but you will be much more vigilant now.

btw, you're goiong to have to set a trap for that sucker. It now knows where dinner is and will "hawk" you from now on.

And, Im sure there are many o bycer that could spare a nice cockerel if need be.
sorry for your loss and you can probably nurse Stumpy back to health but he will never be able to do the deed.... you could learn to AI
Oh, how horrible for you! I am so very sorry to hear this! I know it can be heartbreaking and devastating to lose even one but to have a baby lose a foot is tremendously sad, as well. Good luck with the healing on this baby.

Yes, I agree, this creature will be back time and again. Set a trap and clean his clock! I know wild animals have to eat but not from my farm. I hate doing it as well but remember what they have done to my animals makes pulling the trigger much easier. This time of year the food is more scarce and they come looking for an easy meal. You certainly don't want it to bring it's family either.

We all lose them from time to time and it never gets any easier to deal with. My heart goes out to you since they were your sweet little munchkins and I know how much it hurts.
We already know we have a TON of predators.

In the past 2 weeks I have come within 10ft of a possum and a skunk.

We trap all the time. I think we got around 30? Animals last year. But no matter how many go, more come.

I just didn't expect things to happen in broad daylight. Well. The chicks are now locked up in a run. No more free ranging for them. The poor things just don't like being locked up though. I'm already plotting ideas for a chicken garden, or a grass pasture for them.

Thanks for everyones support. It's sad loosing your special birds. Or any birds for that matter.
Good luck, fingers crossed and keep us posted! I go in lockdown tonight with some Buff Brahma Bantam eggs that I put in as an experiment...they were over three weeks old, and I just wanted to see if they would develop. I was certainly surprised when 6 out of 6 eggs are looking good!


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