Mille Cochin Info

An update. Stumpy is doing extremely well...
It's weird, his leg was infected and swollen. I thought for sure he was a goner. But he has pulled through like a trooper. We never even gave him anti-biodics or anything. We figured we would just let him die in peace. He eats and drinks like he is starving. And his leg is healing up.
Don't know what I will do with a one legged rooster, or if he will ever be able to live with the other chickens but it's a start. Now he just needs to master hopping. Hmm maybe his name shoudld be Trooper.

Lynne was sweet enough to offer me some eggs. And they shipped out this morning.
What a sweetie. Thanks so much Lynne! I'm so excited. No more of my chicks have gotten snatched, but they all look like drowned rats because the pen is really muddy. Poor things.

Oh of course you all want pictures!


Stumpy or Trooper... lol. Bad picture. It's dark in my house, and he's down in a box. But he really is a beauitful bird I think.

Look what else I have in my house right now.


Jasper Noelle and Jingle Belle


Mattie and Maggie Moo

Oh and two chicks and several other cats. (The cats only come in everyonce in a while. And the goat were just in for a check up) But it's easy to tell why our pastor calls me ma kettle.
Im right there with you both. Waiting for some wheaten rosecomb pips. I have 3 cockerels from the last batch... of 24

Please LOrd, gimme some girls!!!!!

KinderKorner!! I've always wanted a pig...

My hubby and I compromised
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Kinder, those darling little goats are so cute! You'll have to explain what the "Kinder" breed is. In northern Colorado, we used to have a goat dairy, you may have tried their cheese...HayStack Mountain brand. They would have their babies in a pen at the entrance, such sweet faced little things. Unfortunately, they moved all their goats out of state (I think) so no baby goat visiting

Also the little pig, is it one of the miniatures..even smaller than the pot bellied?

I love talking about my animals.

A Kinder goat is a dual purpose breed. There are different lines that are better suited for dairy, or meat.

They are a 5th generation Pygmy/Nubian cross.

Sweet little goats, good milkers. I LOVE mine.

Very rare. Trying to get more people interested in them. So they can get out there. They are a little undiscovered treasure.

Your right. The pig is not a pot belly. She is a Mini Swedish. And is suppose to top out at 30-50 pounds. She weighs about 20 right now. And she is 7 months old.
Ok. brahmas and cochins are two seperate breeds

The ingredients are all cochin. You can start with either wheaten, partridge or duckwing cochins then add some buff for background color and mottled the speckling.

Many of us begain with buff columbian as this variety combines a couple of the above ingredients into one step. We crossed those buff columbian cochins with mottled cochins.

I would suggest purchasing some eggs or birds from someone on this forum. If you would like the fun of starting from scratch, I know roostercruiser on here has nice buff columbians and will sell eggs. Many sell mottled.

Good Luck!

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