Mille Cochin Info

As several new folks have joined the thread thought I'd share how much the milles can change their "color". Jambi has a MFC sire & dam. In first pic, Aug 2009 she's far left chick. Then she grew some white feathers in tail & wings. As she sits in the pumpkins you can see some black tipped feathers in breast/tail and white tips in several places (she received lots of kisses on her white flecked head!) Last pic, she's a well filled 6 month old looking completely buff columbian...not a stray white or black feather to be found.
Way cool! Thanks!
She is lovely and I would not hesitate using her back in the program! If you don't want to just send her to me. I think she is very pretty!
Wow, that is interesting...thanks for sharing the photos. It is amazing how much they change as they mature...she actually looks remarkably like my buff brahma bantam girls.


A couple of new pics to share as I add to my MFC's:
First is Bolero, my newest roo. He was bred by Rosemary of Alpine Farm, and is of Wingshadows heritage. I think he's going to add some great color into my birds, especially with the chevrons on his breast. Thanx Rosemary!
And 2nd, I thought I'd give you an update on Tango. After breeding her with Pappy, I have 2 eggs in the incubator doing very well and due Valentine's Day, and she has now gone broody and is setting the last 10 (yes 10!!) she layed - I expect them to hatch the following week, around the 22nd or 23rd. Yea!!




Hey guys,
Been gone for a while....
I was wondering if anyone had a Mille Roo they were wanting to part with. I have never shipped birds before and am not sure about the cost.
I have a pullet that is really nice but I need a Mille roo for her.
What would I get if I put her with my Mottled roo?
I have a Partridge roo too... what would they throw?
Would the F1's be Mille or no?
I will try to post a pic of her up soon. Thanks guys... this color has fascinated me since I saw them several years back.
email me if you have an extra boy you need to find a home for! [email protected]
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Coopa, Bolero is beautiful.
You should definitely get some pretty babies off him. And good luck on your upcoming hatch! Hope you get lots of babies.

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