Mille Cochin Info

yes it is.. I can vouch for that!
I am so confused by this color. I look at these pictures and they all look so different! Some look buff with white, some look red with white, some look buff with white and black, some look red with white and black..... why so much variation, and what exactly are you all shooting for with this color?
I hear ya! My new ones from Lynne just started laying... My F2 is eyeing them up and
Im hoping is thinking of going broody. My young roo isn't old enough so, it would be perfect to get a little clutch from my mottled cross to grow out before putting them to the new guy.
This is a project to attain the mille fleur color as seen in d'uccles for our fluffy little cochins. The variation of color is because of this melting pot of colors we have created. Beginning with colored varities like buff, red, wheaten and patterned varieties like buff columbian, mottled and partridge and combining them will give you birds from both ends of the spectrum and everything in between. As a breeder, we are now using selective breeding to pick out traits that would benefit our common goal while culling out birds that don't contain these traits. Some are farther along and others are closer to the mark. .... I hope I answered your question.
I have a question for all of you with your beautiful birds! Does anybody have pullets or hens that they're looking to sell either near CT or willing to ship? I'm not looking to breed, just want a pretty girl to add to my pet flock.
These birds are so beautiful and so tame. While I work in the yard, they are climbing and flying up on me. They won't leave me alone.... If I don't have a pullet, I think I am going to cry (for real) and then order 2 dozen eggs from Lynne.

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