Mille Cochin Info

Just a note, my former BYC name was La Unica Farms. I finally came up with a name for my chicken farm so I will be using this log in from now on.

Well, the year is coming to a close and the incubator is getting pretty low so I thought it would be fun to post pictures of some of this years batch of chicks. I would love love love some opinions on these guys. I had an excellent hatch rate this year and my girls did a fantastic job. Unfortunately, a bad storm and serious flooding claimed a good number of some of my best chicks as well as one of my best adult MF hens. It has been hard trying to get over the loss but at least I have these beauties to fill the void.
These are my first generation chicks. They were all born from parents that I purchased as eggs or young pullets from Lynne. Thanks Lynne!!!!

Please pardon the crusty feathers on some of the birds. We are all still trying to dry out and clean up after the storm.













My odd ball hen ( I have two of them and they are absolutely identical ). I have posted her on here before and several people have told me that she looks like she could be Wheaten. Who knows.



And last but not least, I have this little guy. He is the only one pictured that did not come from my own breeding program. I am very excited about him. He started off looking blue mottled but he is starting to develope red feathers here and there. You can just barely see them in the second photo. I hope to cross him on my MF hens next year, assuming this guy matures nicely anyway.



I would really really love to hear some opinions on these guys. Do any of them look "off" or poor quality?? Due to the storm and loosing so many birds, I didn't have enough chicks left over to be able to pick and choose who I kept. So what I have is what I have to hold back. Hopefully I will have enough quality individuals to put into my breeding pens so that I can continue moving forward with my breeding program.
Very pretty! I love the range of colors!

Soo sorry to hear about the loss of your birds. Thankfully you do have some left to work with so you don't have to start form the bottom again but any loss is still sad.
Beautiful, Beautiful!!! Still too early tell about their form and ect. They sure seem to take a long time to get to a decision point . Maybe I am just impatient but their color can chage so much. Not that I don't enjoy seeing all the changes.
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OMG good to finally hear from you. Did you "ever" receive the email I sent a couple months ago???

So sorry to hear about your problems with the flooding. Did you lose many? How are your Lemon Blues & the girls from me. I certainly hope that they were not some of the victims. Looks to me as if you have some promising babies. Time is the key & it is soooo hard to wait. Email me when you have time to take a breath. My thoughts are with you
OMG good to finally hear from you. Did you "ever" receive the email I sent a couple months ago???

So sorry to hear about your problems with the flooding. Did you lose many? How are your Lemon Blues & the girls from me. I certainly hope that they were not some of the victims. Looks to me as if you have some promising babies. Time is the key & it is soooo hard to wait. Email me when you have time to take a breath. My thoughts are with you

It is so great to hear from you Lynne. I just sent you an email explaining everything that happened the other week. It is going to take me a long time to get over all of the loss. One of the hens I lost was one of the last girls I got from you. Her name was Sienna. Out of all of the birds we lost and with all of the damage we had from that storm, it was her death that hit me the hardest. She was such a darling little bird. I just keep trying to foccus on the chicks to keep my spirits up. I am very excited about that little Blue Rooster. Only time will tell though.
I have an older MF cockeral that I tried to get pictures of but he was not interested in standing still at all. I will try and get some pictures of him to share with everyone. He was one I had originally planned to hold back. He looks like my Red MF Rooster Desmond but with more white.
I wanted to share some of the photos I was able to get today. I got some nice shots of Alexandria and Ilana, two of my MF hens that I got from Lynne. They are sisters to Sienna, the hen that I lost last week. I thought it would be nice to post a picture of Sienna as well. Just because. Maybe it will make me feel better.
I was also able to get a couple of pictures of my other young cockeral. Those photos, however, did not turn out as I expected.... you'll see!!

Sweet Sienna


Alexandria and Ilana





And my young MF cockeral


Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!



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