Mille Cochin Info

Does anyone have a hen for me?? Anyone?? Please? I need new blood and I am short on hens.
I will probably sale a pair like this one in another month or so. I am still looking over the pullets to see what I want to keep. I will have to get better photos but I know this roo will go along with 2 other nice boys at this point and I am still just agonizing over the pullets. They have some maturing to do but I have so many pullets like this one that I know I will need to move some out. But no pullets are going to go without a roo. I have plenty of both and I am not going to get stuck with a lot of roos.


I have tons of people buy from me that are NPIP. They just have the birds tested when they get them. They always come back clean. There are a few MFC breeders that are NPIP. Surely someone has something for sale or will have soon.
I was very sternly told by my Dept. of Ag person that I am not to buy any untested birds- that once they get here it is too late. I cannot buy them and then have them tested here. They MUST be tested before they are shipped. MD is very strict about that.
My Milles's first chick were one month old Friday. I says this all the time but: they sure do change fast. Here are the updates-
1 week

1 month






I am pretty sure Blue is a little roo. He even acts like a roo, sat up for all his photos. He is the one that had short pin feathers in my last updated pics. I don't know if that is a coincidence?
Orange might be a roo too. He/she is on the right in the new group pic. On my monitor all their combs look red but in "person" Blue is deffinatly a darker red and Orange is a little bit darker than the remaining three.
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I used to think chicks at this age were ugly but I think my 5 are just adorable. Maybe love is blind.
My best Mille Fleur pullet, Millie (origional huh?) is sitting on 10 eggs that are due to hatch starting tomorrow and the weather is MUCH better than last week. My brooder light is adjusted too.
Uhhhh. . . . I have a MF hen named Millie, too . . . . .

Where is Lennon? I'm origionally from Blissfield. Oklahoma is nice, but Michigan is where my heart is.

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