Mille Cochin Info

Are you talking about girls #1-3 in my 1st post? Did you look at the girls in the later post, #4-9? Yes, #3 of the 1st batch is super fluffy and flashy.

Thanks for your help!
I took a few photos but it is very rainy here plus I used my camera phone so you can see much. The other fella was so dirty he was not good to photograph at this time. Once it stops raining i will try to get better photos.



I guess this roo will be going though. I checked him over more carefully and he has split wing! I so hope the other fella is nicer in pattern and form. This fella seems to have better type but what good is that if he has stupid split wing and no telling what else I missed because I stopped at that.
I enjoy reading this thread so much and I enjoy the pictures even more.

I have Lynne's babies in the incubator right now, so in a couple weeks I will be able to join you guys.
I'm with you. I really enjoy following along and I am learning so much! My eggs from Lynne are hatching as we speak!!

They endured a harsh trip from California and the post office informed me they were probably frozen. Yikes!
Two have hatched so far, so I'm declaring success. More would be great. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I will post pictures of the little cuties soon!

Nadine, he sure is nice but TOTALLY different than any I've seen. I read an article about that... lemme see if I can dig it up. It talked about how the influence of different genes will give you smaller white tips or larger (like mine... mine are too big, I think. .not the birds I bought from Lynne but, the birds I've bred by outcrossing) or sometimes the genes can give you a very small black line or a HUGE one almost concealing the entire ground color. Mille fleur is extremely complex and getting the tri color is only the beginning
Sounds fascinating, Erin! I would love to read it.

I wasn't sure if this boy would change more or not on the chest. He is only 3 months, maybe 3 1/2 months old. The feathers with the white tips seem to have the little black chevron, too. I have got to see about catching up that other boy today (the sun is finally out!) and get a photo of him. And check him over for major faults.
I spotted a 2 month old last night in the brooder that was looking like he may have this pattern, too. So hard to see when they are on the floor and you are over the top of them. When it warms up a bit more I will get the babies outside and can tell more about them then.

I never even thought about size of white tips compared to the rest of the feather, large or small. Very interesting.
These aren't the links I was looking for but, still some great reads.

This person was breeding for spangled and wound up with birds that were very close to MF and tolbunt

Sigi's article about tolbunt wyandottes and it has a TON of usefull info for us

is so much information out there and we are very fortunate to live in this age where we can learn from others mistakes by looking at their documented progress.
I have some MF eggs from Nadine in the 'bator right now, she sent eggs from 4 different daddies, and I have twice as many developing from one roo than all the others put together! Probably has something to do with the hens he's with having eggs that are somehow "tougher" and make it though shipping better.

Anyways, my Nadine eggs are due in 1 week! Can't wait to post pictures of the babies here!

Mine are both from Nadine's rooster "Bantyman". I had a lot of eggs with visible cracks when I candled. I think they may have partially frozen!
Very sweet chicks!
Good luck with your hatch!!!!
Had a devastating day yesterday. My little Cochin X mom abandoned her baby and a well-pipped egg yesterday and we lost them!

I tried to move the 3 of them to the cage in the morning before work, but she tried so frantically to get back to her nest, I was worried she would trample them. So I let them stay in the nest, figuring that she would feel the movement of the hatching egg and stay put.
I pulled the last 2 eggs which were under another broody in the nest next to her, and hatched them in the incubator last night.

I'm hoping for a boy & a girl so I can pair them with the pair I hatched in Feb. from Nadine.
So far they are safe & sound. I have thesecond broody in a cage and once she's settled in there, I might try again, under VERY close supervision! I just love the way they grow up part of the flock when they are raised by a chicky mama.

Cross your fingers for us please.

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