Mille Cochin Info

Happy little first-time free-rangers!
How adorable! I love to see my hens out with their chicks. I think it just makes them so much healthier and the roos are so protective, too.

Here is a photo of one of my new breeder girls. Not my best photo shot but I am bad with taking photos. This was taken a while back.


She is now in a pen with several of her MFC friends with this new young breeding roo....Tristan.


This will be my first time of putting all patterned birds together. Not exact, perfect patterns but still closer than I have had before. Still working to keep that type in there while breeding for MF pattern. I am not saying I will get perfect chicks and have 3 other pens going, too so I will just have to see what this fall reveals in the chicks that are growing up. I am going to try very hard not to hatch through this winter. I did say TRY.

So now I have 4 roos with girls.....Fred, my first MF/buff Columbian roo. Xavier, Fred's son. Schmoozle, a MF/Mottled roo and now Tristan.
Fred has Schmoozle sisters and daughters with him. Xavier has the same breeding of hens with him, Schmoozle has Xavier sister and daughters. And Tristan lucked up with several Xavier daughters.
Confusing? Only on paper. I need to put up new photos on my website.
My mfc girls just started back up from being broody and Im excited to get started on round 2. I didn't make much progress at all in the color dept and Im betting that one chick that will make this year a super success is one egg away
Oh .. God... chicks in the bathroom all winter...

Here's to the men who love us... and let us go crazy
and, to the same man if he dares open his trap and complain

If anyone is looking for eggs or birds I recently aquired all Nancy Krohns stock.I can also take a bunch of pictures if theres a color you are looking for.
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I know what you mean! Just one egg away! I have to set them because who knows what can actually hatch out. That perfect hen I have been waiting on!

I have hatched a good many chicks out this past month from the 3 proven roos. Now to see what those kids grow up like. But Tristan's pen will be new for me and I can't wait to see what those kids will be like.


Amy, Tristan sure has nice shape for a MFC. And a couple of those hens with him do too! I look forward to seeing your results. Especially with those nice black mottles to add in every so often. It'll be big rumps on MFCs before you know it!!

Glad I'm not the only odd (or crazy one) who hatches in fall with youngsters thru winter. If a hen I want youngsters from is laying and with a fertile rooster, I can't help but set the eggs. Mother Nature is not one to work on my schedule, I gotta go on hers.
Have to say I did get along much better using Sweeter Heaters rather than heatlamps. Those heatlamps make me so nervous, mostly if causing a short, starting a fire or bulb can go out at any time. Ya the Heaters are expensive but I've been happy with the purchase.
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I was so wanting the Sweeter Heaters but I usually raise too many chicks for it to work well for me. I have anywhere from 30 to 50 chicks in each brooder.
I still have a 60 wt light going in the new hatched brooder down in the barn now. I turn it off once it hits 95 in that room but since I run 2 fans in there all the time then I feel at night they may need the heat. And they are getting underneath it.

I have lost some chicks in the past that had a heat lamp to go out during the night. Now I do 2 lamps in colder weather with lower wattage bulbs in them (usually not over 100 wts) and all my heat lamps are tied to the wall. But last winter it was 8 brooders going full blast all winter and I am not doing that this year....if I can help it.

Yes, I truly believe those Mottleds are helping with type in the MFC project. I still want better pullets but my best MFC grew out to look buff Columbian. What a throw back! I am still debating which roo to put her with and had thought to sell her but seeing her type, I just can't do it.
I also can't figure out which roo she will do best with. I will probably try Schmoozle first but would like to get away from using him too much. I have an awful lot of sisters and daughters to him. I may just put her with Tristan and hope some white gets on those feathers. I am pretty sure I saw she was out of Xavier and don;t want to go back with him. Decisions, decisions!

I am waiting to see all the photos of everyone's kids growing up this summer!

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