Mille Cochin Info

Hello, everybody. Beautiful Cochins! I've been culling birds today, not my favorite thing to do. I think I know what to do with this guy, but I need a strong person to second the motion? I know his comb is huge. His type is not the best either. I've tried to give him away, no one wants him.

I have this young fella, who is getting better each day.

Amy, what do you think about this girl?
Charlie! She is disgustingly ugly and you need to send her to me right away so I can do ...something...with her!

Seriously, she is really lovely. I have got the best girls from that cross and I am so glad you did, too. Or at least I believe that would be one you hatched from me.
The type is coming along nicely. Breed her to a roo with a good head and neck, I believe she has the rest going on well. Although in person her head and neck may not look as off as I am seeing it in the photo.

And yes, that first roo has to go. His color is so pretty but that comb is not what you want. Huge and too many points. Otherwise he is one that would have promise. Remember, roos are a dime a dz and I know you have many more to choose from. The second roo is a definite improvement over the first one from what I can tell of the photo. Good for you!
Beth G. :


I took some pic's the other day but, couldn't upload until now.

Can you please see these pic's I took of the gang on the ground not being held? I need to see your feedback who would go well with who for breeding? Any and all feedback will be grately appreciated

Sorry Pic Heavy

The Boys

The Girls

Thank you all!!!

Well, you have some nice colored ones but from the photos I can't tell a lot about type. And since the most I breed is for type then I can only help you from what little I can see of them. Others can chime in and give you advice, too since I am not the expert on this thread. I know what I like and breed for it. You may decide to go a different way. They are your birds so you have to make the decisions but here is my opinion........
I would keep the first roo and watch him mature. The second roo may not be bad but from what I can tell he may have too much leg and that may mean too much back. Also, the comb on the second one doesn't look as nice as the first one but they both seem pretty young yet. I like the width of chest on both from what I can see.

On your pullets, the first pullet looks like she has a nice head. I would love to see the rest of her in profile and from the front. Cull the one in photo 2. She doesn't look like she could offer your program anything. Pullet #3 looks nice enough to keep and watch. Breed her to a nice compact roo with good type and you may have some nice offspring. I think you can work with pullet 4 with breeding her like #3.
Pullet #5 seems to have a decent look about her. the head and chest are put together well. I would certainly keep her but would be interested in what she looks like in profile, from the top and front. Pullet #6 looks nice. Pretty head and neck but the body needs to really mature. #7 I don't care for. Her tail looks odd and her neck does, too. Maybe it is the photo. #8 looks the same but I can add she is missing feathering on that middle toe. It can be bred in but all else needs to be good. Her back looks a bit long but the photo can be deceiving.

That is my opinion from what I can see in the photos. Maybe others can see things I cannot and give you better ideas or advice.

Good luck in your breeding program!
Beth G. :


I took some pic's the other day but, couldn't upload until now.

Can you please see these pic's I took of the gang on the ground not being held? I need to see your feedback who would go well with who for breeding? Any and all feedback will be grately appreciated

Sorry Pic Heavy

The Boys

The Girls

Thank you all!!!

OK please dont be offended as this is just my opinion on what I would do with the given birds for breeding for mille fleur.
I like the first roo and the second I personally wouldn't use. I like the first hen although i can't tell type from the pics. The second is incomplete laced and probably not going to be a good choice. The third hen looks to have good color but i cant tell if her type is ok or she's standing funny. The forth pullet has too much white in my opinion but since the first roo is dark it may work. The fifth hen looks to have a dark brown color and i personally wouldn't use that. Sixth pullet looks pretty good to me and seems typey from what i can tell in the pic. Seventh hen is a incomplete laced and columbian pattern and i dont care for her type. The last hen looks like my kaleidoscopes and is a by product of mille so i wouldnt use her either​
Beth G. :


I took some pic's the other day but, couldn't upload until now.

Can you please see these pic's I took of the gang on the ground not being held? I need to see your feedback who would go well with who for breeding? Any and all feedback will be grately appreciated

Sorry Pic Heavy

The Boys

The Girls

Thank you all!!!

I normally don't critique others' birds as so many times feelings get hurt unintentionally. However, I agree with the first two opinions except for pullet #5. I can't really see her type but if we are just talking about color & pattern, then here is my opinion. I have had several pullets with the same coloring as youngsters who turned out to be lovely as they matured. Here is an example of one girl who had the same coloring. See how she developed.


If you have the room & the time, I would keep her to see how she looks as she gets older.​
I am really enjoying all these photos of everyones milles! Keep them coming!
Here are just a few of mine.
First photo is my big roo, Big Papi.

Pullet 1

Pullet 2



Pullet 3




pullet 1 again

Just one of my young cockerels


This is a young cockerel, Little Papi



Another young cockerel

I have many more youngsters coming. lots of young roos. Just didn't want to fill the thread with them all. Hope you enjoy these photos as much as I enjoy everyones.
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Hi Everyone!!

ThanIk you soo soo much for all your help! I never take things personal at all. I try to evaluate everyones input and constructively put it all together and work it out. I will get more photo's of number 1, 3, and 5 for you all. I will definately separate them all when they start laying. they are all 6 months and younger so, they have plenty of time to hang out and all be friends

Please feel free to keep chiming in on my babies. Even if you change your mind or think of something after you posted I really do appreciate every comment

Best Wishes and I'll try to get photo's soon!

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