Mille Cochin Info

I have 2 nice Roos and several cockerels to choose from if you are interested PM me. :

The Zohan


nice young Roo

My girls chewed on his tail, it is growing back in.

same boy

cockerel #1

cockerel #2

cockerel #3
I was taking pictures the other day and thought I'd share these...

I hatched these two from MF eggs shipped from WestKnollAmy early this year:

The brown spots on this guy are not dirt - that's some pretty red color "leaking through" the silver


I hatched another pullet at well, but she didn't want to have her picture taken.
She's Black-Mottled.
I gave the trio of my youngest siblings to use as 4-H birds... not sure if they're planning on breeding them or not.
So last week, I found that I was not as great at collecting eggs as I thought I was, when I was greeted in the morning by this little "BooBoo" out in the coop:

BooBoo quickly settled in, and within a couple of days was holding court with the elders in the coop:

Here's BooBoo this morning, at 10 days old, with a very interesting pattern already on the wings:


There's a 1 in 7 chance that BooBoo is 1/2 Mille Fleur, as this is what is out in the coop right now:
2 Golden Laced

3 Golden Laced
3 F1 BLR
1 Mille Fleur
Where is everyone? I know its only been a few days, but it feels like a few weeks since there have been posts. I'm having withdrawls from the pretty cochin pics.
Please look at these pictures and tell me if the dark feathers at the bottom of her cushion will be a problem? She is only about 6 months and has not had a heavy molt yet. Is it possible they will change after molt? Will they grow into cushion? Will I have to wait and see?


Hey Charlie!

Pretty pullet!
I would wait and see what a molt will do for her. With all we have to breed to try and obtain conformation and color/pattern in this variety, there are often a few that look odd to start with. I don't worry about her color at all but yeah, those feathers are growing out in an odd way. I would wait and see what she matures as before deciding whether she is what you would want to reproduce.
Sometimes they mature nicely and it doesn't show up in the kids but other times it disappears and shows up later. That is when I have to do hard culling. Dag gone disappointing but worth it in the long run.

It is really nice to see something beautiful in front of a judge but hardly worth that effort if everything else at home can't hold a candle to that same one. Breeding programs have to be the standard, not just the one that is worth entering in a show.

Love seeing your photos, as usual! Keep them coming!

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