Mille Cochin Info

Hello I am a cochin Bantam freak love them to death and 2 years ago someone gave me a Project milli cockerel he was the coolest cochin I had ever seen I crossed him this spring with my splash hen and a black gold necked hen I had they gave me buff, red, blue mottled, black, black gold necked, buff columbian and a few other crazy colors.

This spring I bought a pair and and this past week I got 1 cockerel and 5 hens. I also got 3 black mottled hens and 2 white hens a red cock and a lemon blue pair so now what? I have cochins out the wazoo and want to pair them up right to try and get some great millis and maybe a few odd colors also so any advice on where to start would be great.
I will be showing 3 Milles at the MD show this weekend.
from the photos she looks like you are getting good type there. The color and pattern are much better than I have seen of your others but I think mostly what I see from your MF pens is for sale so I think you are headed in the right direction.

Good luck this weekend and let us know how the MF do and what comments you get!
Thanks, will do. I am selling The Zohan (Roo) and keeping a very light Roo (lots of white- Calico) to see what he ends up like.

ETA: The Tidy Bowl Man is producing some great looking babies!
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Does anyone know where I could get some nice, young mf/calico bantams? I'm just looking for a starter on these and I'm looking for birds b/w two weeks and two years old with good type.
I would suggest looking at previous posts on this thread and going to websites to see what people have been working on. If you see some you like contact the breeder and see if they have anything available.

I, personally, have very little left to sell. Most of what I sell do not have the exact pattern, though I do have one nice roo. Check out my For Sale page.
My pullets are all sold as mixes because I am still crossing in Mottleds for conformation. I am still breeding for type and not looking at the color and pattern as much, though some keep popping up. Anything I hatch that does look really nice stays in my coop.

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