Mille Cochin Info

He may fluff up and look like he is filling in but he will never be an shining example of what you would want to show or breed. He is what I consider a girly roo. If he is 4 months old in the photos then you won't have a fantastic bird when he is grown.

But he is yours and you decide. I am only giving my opinion of what I would do if he were in my grow up pen.
I want my roos to look like the one below. That neck and tail need to be close together and no sloping in sight. The wide body and short body all come together to make a beautiful ball when they are fully feathered. This little roo was about 9-10 weeks old. He is the one closest to the camera. This is the first photo I came across showing what I look at or I would have used a MFC kid.
That is what I start with when trying to figure who I should keep and then move onto the other things I like to see in mine. Without that top line though, I don't want them.

Alright bantam Cochin breeders...

Here are current pictures of my MF breeding stock. Please let me know what you think!

First, the girls... I only have three and two in the grow out pen. Bridgette, my buff Columbian would not come out and be photogenic:
Millie isn't laying yet, but should be getting close.

Mildred is laying! She's faithful with her every other day egg. She is proof you shouldn't judge one of these girls until they are older. Everyone was saying she wasn't round enough.
I think she's quite nice - but I am not the expert.

Now, the boys - I have way more boys, as I have another 7 growing out:


Please judge Milton off these pictures, please. I am pretty sure I am not going to be keeping him. He is 9 months and is the same size, if not smaller than Lester and Beakman. He isn't as round and I am not thrilled with his lack of melanin. Anyone need a starter rooster or yard candy?

Milroy is about 8-9 months.


Byron and Lester:
Byron is a MF. He is a BF/BM, but only has white tips on his feet feathering. He will be matched with my Bridgette. I am not sure how old Byron is.
Lester is just about 6 months now. I am concerned about his and Beakman's size. Lester also has a funky comb.



I like Beakman... He's a pecker, hence his name, but I have preferred him over Lester since day one. He's also the easiest to photograph.



Thanks for looking!
Thanks, that is a good explaination. I have 7 roos to sort thru.
- Back length is most important?
- Wing carrage and comb size next?

I would not say that back length is most important. I just use it as a guide to go by when they are youngsters. If tehy have a long back then I seldom even consider them anymore. In my experience they do not turn out to be something that will give me good enough type to keep breeding on. My pullets I allow more for because my shortest backed girls, which are usually my more rooish girls as far as color, too, will be the least likely to lay well for me. But I seldom sell those girls, waiting for eggs instead and feeding them. Though from my bit of record keeping they are not giving me much better stock than the decent girls I use with an exceptional roo.

I prefer very good wing carriage as I think they will pass on bad wings but usually if you have good type, you will have good wing carriage. Good conformation brings the whole bird together well.

I worry about combs last. I am sure there are birds out there with combs that you do not want to pass on but overall I bet that bird has a lot of other faults you have no reason to breed for either. Granted, I do not see many exceptional birds because I do not attend many shows but I visit other poultry farms and talk to breeders of many different breeds since I have an interest in learning all I can about breeding programs. It helps me to understand what can work and what might not. I have not seen a really great bird with a horrid comb but I am sure others might have. So for me, I worry about combs last.

Now feet, that is a concern! Color, toenails, feathers etc. That can make me frustrated when looking over breeding stock.
Vuuuuurrrryyy nice birds!
Millie looks like she has very good type. Wide and the right shape but hard to tell in just one photograph. I like Mildred, too.

You may not like Milton but from the photos I do. But if you are seeing him in person and do not care for him then you would know out of all of them what is best. There is certainly a lot of good stuff to work with there. Can't wait to see your offspring. This next year will be another exciting round of beautiful MFC!
This is Tyson. He is a Valentines day hatch cockerel.

The first set of 4 photos were taken 6.16.11





These 6 were taken 11.13.11 - you can see more color (black chevrons and white tips) coming in on his chest.







He is still maturing and filling in, but I know I would like to see more underfluff in him plus more fluff front and behind wise, a tad shorter back/legs, and a shorter neck.

What else do you see that I am missing as I look at him? (as they say love is blind
) He is my "first" homebred and kept cockerel. The other cockerels who hatched with just did not pass muster.
Vuuuuurrrryyy nice birds!
Millie looks like she has very good type. Wide and the right shape but hard to tell in just one photograph. I like Mildred, too.

You may not like Milton but from the photos I do. But if you are seeing him in person and do not care for him then you would know out of all of them what is best. There is certainly a lot of good stuff to work with there. Can't wait to see your offspring. This next year will be another exciting round of beautiful MFC!

I like Millie and Mildred too! They have more leg feathers than my girls.
Leg feathers- ? I forgot what you call the poofs on their sides above their feet.
I love the pic of him crowing! His chest chevrons are nice.
I have some guys with his color I want to work on type by breeding with some Black Mottles but I bet that will mess up color for a few generations.

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