Mille Cochin Info

I can't speak for the type on this bunch of birds. I have culled out what was really not typy enough for my breeding pens from them and am thinking I may not keep these but here are some 4 month olds from another breeder I hatched from eggs I bought. Ignore my Mottled pullet in the bunch. She just goes out in the day pen with them.



Here is one of many pens I am hatching from. Xavier is dancing for his hen so it looks like his wing is not placed well but he just has to show off to me when I go out there. He wants me to make sure and keep him around! Xavier has a few of these nice girls to breed. His type is great but the hens need more work in the typy area.



And, of course, my handsome Schmoozle. He always throws dark kids but he has such good type and adds so much to his offspring that I keep putting new ladies with him to see just how much he can improve what they lack. So far so good. I even added a MFC cross very buff Columbian looking hen (in the back next to Schmoozle) that has very good type her own self to see what I can get to keep for myself and improve some other pens for breeding. Their offspring is growing up very nice but time will tell if I am going in the right direction with some of these.


I have a few pens not laying right now like Fred and Zander. Fred's kids are coming out dark but the type is pretty good on his offspring, so far as I can tell. I can't wait for spring so I can get them all out in grow up pens and watch them mature out for possible breeding picks.
I love the pic of him crowing! His chest chevrons are nice.
I have some guys with his color I want to work on type by breeding with some Black Mottles but I bet that will mess up color for a few generations.

Thanks, I was lucky - he placed himself on that bucket and it was just the right height for me to take some pictures.

I also have a mottled roo, who I plan on using to help increase type. I am hoping that Tyson colors up just a tad more. He could use some width also I think (tyson)
I meant to comment on him but by the time I got back to this thread something else caught my attention.

It sounds like you know what to work on and how to pair him up with some girls. Have you made any decisions about who to pair him with?
I have one colored a lot like him but just haven't hatched out anything that I like from his type. I may not have the right girls or he may not be a good breeding bird. Color and pattern are just not going to work in my breeding program and I should have listened to my DH when he told me to sell him back in the summer. Type is the first thing I have to remember to breed for and the color will come as the breeding program goes along.

Always a hard choice to make when selecting out pairs, trios and quads.

Love the name Tyson! He doesn't seem to have a complex from the name though!
I will see what I can do. It is raining pretty good here this week but I might can get her in the coop.

I have several hens I have not shown any photos of but they are extremely nice, imo. It is always the gorgeous ones that lay the least and I find they are not very good producers. I do love to see what I finally get from them though.

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