Mille Cochin Info

so sorry for your losses ki4got
and hokankai

And also for the people getting out of the MFC project. What a lot of sad news lately.
Well, I think I decided not to sell my MFCs yet. I have a couple with less than stellar type, so I may sell those. I only have 17 MFCs, total. If I can sell off the other breeds, it will help a lot. I just can't afford or handle over 100 birds again. If I can get back to about 50 chickens, I think I can manage it.
Rev, I'm not sure how you're handling all those! 30 chooks is all we have here (give or take) and I can hadly keep up. I am figuring out that Less Breeds = Less Pens = Less Work. We are Going to stick with Marans, Orpingtons and (if my son gets working on a permanent shelter) the MF Cochins. I'll know more after we have a judge look at these guys., wish us luck, August 15th!
Gosh it has been a bad week for many of us. Please accept my deepest sympathis Ki4got & Hokankai for your losses. I sometimes want to throw in the towel but then a sweet baby comes up to me & melts my heart. Hang in thre
Gosh it has been a bad week for many of us. Please accept my deepest sympathis Ki4got & Hokankai for your losses. I sometimes want to throw in the towel but then a sweet baby comes up to me & melts my heart. Hang in thre
thanks. i may not reply to all the well-wishers out there, but i do appreciate the sympathy.

and i agree, every now and then one comes along and you're hooked again.

no idea why, but i've got a few that were doing fine inside, went out to the baby pen, and all of a sudden, they're NOT doing good...

had a little girl last weekend, nicknamed "weeble". she couldn't stand up straight, kept flopping to the side, but wouldn't give up trying (don't know if it was related to the raccoon attack, since i found her that morning). so weeble went back into the brooder with 'spin cycle' my special needs coturnix quail (now an ONLY quail unless some eggs i set prove fertile) and the 2 guineas, who were being harrassed by the other chicks. well, the 2 guineas snuggled to either side of weeble, kept her propped up (next to the feeder) and she ate... and ate... and ate... i swear her crop was bigger than the rest of her. LOL several days later she's back to normal (but still acting starved). so now she gets to 'momma' 2 red dorking chicks who were also doing quite well until i noticed today they were just crying and crying... so they're back inside now too. and eating like they haven't had food in a month... makes me wonder who the bully in the baby pen is. possibly the 4 EE's but they're going home today. so then my cochins can have peace again. 8) and the guineas are back outside now and seem to be holding their own.

then there's the 'drowning victims' LOL 2 mille/calico cochin pullets who seem to be incapable of drinking from the pond without falling in at least once every 2 days... and instead of walking out, they stand on the ramp, still in the water, and just cry. LOUDLY! yeah it gets my attention, then they get a nice hot bath to warm back up, and blowdried and put back in the brooder for a few hours to make sure they're ok... i think they do it on purpose.

and my 'supermomma' black broody cochin is outside now, with her 5. my older self blue that she adopted after the raccoon incident didn't make it. after checking him over thoroughly, i did find a couple small puncture wounds on his wing, so I'm guessing the stress/damage was too much for him.
Since I'm new to this can you please answer a question that may have been asked/answered already...

If I keep my mottled roo and the one mottled hen that are both split to Mille, would they make Mille babies or Mottled or both?

Thanks, just trying to figure out who to put together.
Mottled is a gene used to make mille fleur BUT, the dark of the black is very difficult to get rid of when breeding MF.

When you breed mottled to buff columbian, you will get dark offspring 100% of the time with some streaking (Bobbi Jo, I know I told you that the buff columbian roo you got from me was mottled x buff columbian.. I have since learned that that couldn't possibly be the case. His buff columbian father must've gotten to one of my light mille hens because I have since discovered that dark x mille = 100% dark) Even after a few generations, you get dark offspring. Every generation does get a bit lighter but, It's a very slow road, breeding buff background back to mottled... So, no, you will NOT get mille. You will get mottled with various amounts of buff/red streaking in the hackle and saddle and maybe a touch on the breast and many that LOOK pure mottled but will not be pure.
Ugh, it's been a sad week here. I lost my one and only millie this week to the same illness her rooster died from. I sent him in for a necropsy but wasn't pleased with the results so who knows what it was.

Anyway, I managed to get one more photoshoot of her with her beautiful adult plumage.

RIP little Violet :(

Oh, she was so pretty! I am sorry you lost her and your roo.

I have sent some of mine for necropsy, as well. They always come back "inconclusive". In one way I feel good they did not find any horrible disease but then again, I wish I could have had answers. NPIP and other tests do not rule out all the other things that can make our little birds sick.

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