Mille Cochin Info

Where does the melanizing gene come from?  - Wheaten?
I'm thinking that too much columbian is an inhibitor, which is why we have such a hard time getting the black bands on the breast..

I thought adding partridge would give you the color similar to a Speckled Sussex..

actually, the melanizing gene can be from a number of sources, but columbians with nice dark markings will probably carry it.  a bird carrying Ml will show much darker hackle markings, and in ee+ type birds at least, will have some dark tips to the feathers.  not a cochin, but a good example of what i'm trying to explain...

this is a red dorking girl carrying Ml

and another dorking girl who carries 2 different melanizing genes, Cha and Ml.  the Cha gives her a black head and Ml makes a more definite black tip to her breast feathers. the other dark tips aren't as visible, since her feathers are overall darker because of Cha. (she's also silver based, rather than red like the above girl).

don't worry about Cha though, i don't think it exists in cochins, while it does stem in dorkings from the colored lines.  (the second girl is what i'm working on to establish my 'dark' dorking line).


This is my EE. She is from gold duckwing phoenix (Mcmurray bird) over a wheaton Ameraucana hen. She looks very much like the hen in the bottom but gold based and much lighter in the face.She has the same patterns and the pink /orange breast Her whole body is this brown pattern like your silver based one. She hasn't laid an egg for ever but Icannot seem to get rid of herI thought someone might be interested for color comparisons?. I will try for a body shot later.
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These are better pictures of the millie fleur serama pattern. The top is the mother and she mated with a millie fleur dad and the bottom pic is the baby. I think this pic shows her pattern really well.
No way, I am never getting out of my Splash. So the MFC project has to go. Then all I will have is Splash and Butters Call Ducks. That's more than enough with everything else (non poultry) I have going on. I just need to sell these last 2 Roos. They are way to pretty to eat. :/
Do you have any market for them locally? I have had some luck selling uniquely colored birds on craigslist and such. You would be amazed at the nice chicken people out there looking for a new project to play with.
Roo's by themselves are hard to sell sometimes. I try to always advertise hens and roos together, unless someone just wants a roo. And even then I don't charge much.
No, no, it's not Mellie I was talking about. I was done with that. I posted about my 2 Roosters I have left. I didn't get any response to that. ?
maybe everyone's full up on roos? i might have responded, but you won't ship to virginia (tho nobody else seems to have problems with this?).

good luck placing them. they do look nice.
I have a breeding pen of the MFC Frizzles. Love them and the kids are turning out fantastic!

Hmmmm, I need to update some photos. He is a lot different now. This was taken many months ago.

Here are some babies.


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