Mille Cochin Info

And, so what someone else showed a crappy bird that didn't win anything???.. that doesn't make this hen better... so what so many folks are breeding for pretty birds and not for type and would be thrilled to get her, that doesn't make her "typey." She may be "nicer than many MFC's" but that's only because a majority of them are total crud in the type dept. I have no birds that have her markings.. I really wish they did but, I am more thankful that ALL of my breeders have SQ cochin type. That's what's important to me because I plan to show. I thougth I could work with her but, quickly realized I was being impulsive and would never be happy with the offspring. I am sorry if you're hurt for my reasoning for not wanting her. I tried saying it softly and discreetly in a PM... then gently on here... now I'm yelling it!! LOL

I get it. Point taken. No hard feelings. I am still learning about type, and thought since she had such a huge, fluffy cushion that she had pretty good type. Steph out.

There was an excellent point on the previous page. It was that you do not look at the pattern and look at the whole bird without considering the pattern. . Ideally you would want a Cochin to look like a good white or Black type wise. Think good head with a straight comb, proper eye color,wide body, high wings, lots of cushion, proper leg color then and only then does pattern really matter. Breeding for pattern without breeding for type is a lost cause. You have eye candy but you still have nothing. Flip side of that is when you get to better typed birds in any variety then you have to consider pattern/color. If you breed to a color that you like but is not correct with the SOP then the critiques flow over pattern/color.
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I have a color update for everyone. My chicks are 3wks old now. I know I didn't get pics of them all... Or I got doubles... Something. LOL! I couldn't even keep them separate by gender. It looks like only 2 of them cockerels at this time.










And... My chocolate - who is chocolate and is a pullet! That gold head threw me off. I am assuming she's going to have a lot of gold leakage.
I recently went to the show in Sedalia Mo. and there were mottleds there that weren't this typey.
These dont look terrible especially for what I have seen in the MF project. Most of the MF's I have seen aren't very typey occassionally you see one that is pretty good typed.
Yes she is not perfect but she is better than most I have seen even on here.

Sorry about this post. Didn't mean to ruffle more feathers, I was simply stating my thoughts.

I also must have missed what the conversation was really about. Somehow I missed that.
There was an excellent point on the previous page. It was that you do not look at the pattern and look at the whole bird without considering the pattern. . Ideally you would want a Cochin to look like a good white or Black type wise. Think good head with a straight comb, proper eye color,wide body, high wings, lots of cushion, proper leg color then and only then does pattern really matter. Breeding for pattern without breeding for type is a lost cause. You have eye candy but you still have nothing. Flip side of that is when you get to better typed birds in any variety then you have to consider pattern/color. If you breed to a color that you like but is not correct with the SOP then the critiques flow over pattern/color.
Gee, pretty much sounds like what I have been preaching for years. You see why I close my eyes and have my DH hand me birds? I don't see color or pattern. I feel the type, the shape and the makings of a good breeder bird. Color is moot without anything else.
I love this breed and I enjoy this variety. We need plenty of serious breeders in the bantam Cochin and I know we all love them no matter what color we choose to work on.

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