Mille Cochin Info

Working on photos of MFC boys I can sell.
Here is one boy that I am planning on letting go. He is decent but I decided not to keep so many this time around. This boy is 5 1/2 months old, he is in with some girls and the eggs have been fertile.

Another boy I can let go. He is 4 months and has the great vermillion.
This is the one Lynne liked when I posted him about a month ago. My photos are less than ideal as I am still having issues with my back and can't get them out by myself. No one is here today to help so I did what I could.

This is the 3rd roo. Not sure if I want to sell this guy but I can't keep everything. He may not look like much now but I have liked him for a while. He is a cross from new blood I brought in and I was hoping for a bit more leg. Mine are getting too short in the leg and too wide of a pelvis which has caused frame problems in the past. I am hoping to balance out a better bird.
He is 10 weeks old and has a lot more to mature into.

One more I am selling. I like him but I have only so many pens and so much time. Roo #4. And yes, his comb showing he was fighting. There was a young Silkie roo in the pen with them. Now moved as the Silkie got the fire beat out of him by this little guy. You would think with 10 pullets they could have gotten along.

I have another MFC roo but he is so ugly I don't want to show him on here. You all may not believe I try to breed for better type if you saw him.
Thought you may like this boy. I sell my roos a lot cheaper because I always seem to have extras and though they are nice a lot of times, they are better at someone else's home rather than mine. Girls I can run together in large pens but roos are harder for me to keep in groups because I have hens EVERYWHERE!

My white bantam Cochin pen has about 16 extra pullets of different colors growing up in there since I no longer hatch out whites. They are an awesome bunch of Cochins to take in little ones.
I think the first Roo is the nicest.

Thanks, Stephanie. He was a keeper but I keep hatching and liking more and more roos so I have to sell some. This boy is actually in a breeding pen though I haven't hatched anything from him. I have eaten the eggs though and when I open them they are fertile. He has more maturing to do but is fairly decent. Notice I get a lot of red in my birds no matter how much I breed in Mottled?
You're welcome. If you can get somebody to help you take pics of the others, I'm sure they would sell better. I'm sure they look nicer in person, good pics are the key to selling. :)
Your mottleds look very nice! If I were Mike I would jump on them fast!

I will show you photos on here. But if you can't PM on here right now then you can email me so we can hash out the details. [email protected]

I have had the pair for sale for $50. They are young. The roo is almost 5 months and the pullet is 4 months. However, I would be glad to sell you the roo for $10 plus the shipping and box. Yes, I take awful photos. The wind is blowing like mad here today and my camera is a royal pain!

Here is the boy by himself. He has very good type and color.

This MF guy looks pretty good, still young so he will probably fill out nicely.

Working on photos of MFC boys I can sell.
Here is one boy that I am planning on letting go. He is decent but I decided not to keep so many this time around. This boy is 5 1/2 months old, he is in with some girls and the eggs have been fertile.


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