Miscellaneous Meeps - Hatching my Dreams

looked this morning, and I have a pip! it's name is Tsunami, because my mom put in a request. the others will be named after weather, because this hatch was a bit of a disaster, and, well, disaster flock.
Awe, congrats on the first pip!

Oof, hopefully these chicks can change your weather pattern for your flock. Chickens can sure be a challenge ❤
For me, yes, phew! All seems well, I really want to candle a few lockdown eggies but I'm not sure I should, I think I'm just going to hope and pray and wait. They were without power less than 2 hours, so I am hoping they will have no issues. Today is Day 19.

One lady got power back just before midnight and the other is still without power and the generator they got yesterday went out. Ugh, I feel horrible for her!

There are over 140 power outages now, but the number of people effected is now less than 5k, so they are making progress.
@2ndTink How's the power over there, everything still on? :fl
@2ndTink How's the power over there, everything still on? :fl
Everything is still on! I'm having trouble keeping the humidity up in the Advance though, I'm not sure what to try next. I don't knownif I could put yarn or something in water and have that thread into the hole that the EX model uses to drip water through? I can't keep it over 40% 🥺 and I also can't stand there all day and slowly syringe water through the hole either. Last time I added a big bread pan of water, but it's packed full and no room for that.
Everything is still on! I'm having trouble keeping the humidity up in the Advance though, I'm not sure what to try next. I don't knownif I could put yarn or something in water and have that thread into the hole that the EX model uses to drip water through? I can't keep it over 40% 🥺 and I also can't stand there all day and slowly syringe water through the hole either. Last time I added a big bread pan of water, but it's packed full and no room for that.
You don't need too much at this stage, 50% will work. If you have even a shot glass stuffed with a wet sponge, that might do it for now.
Geez starting them young these days! 🤣

I'll see what I can get together, they could start pipping tomorrow. But, with the power outage we'll see...
Pipping stage already?! Then wow, ok you'll need to really do more than the shot glass size. Maybe a wet hand towel shoved in along the edges?
Pipping stage already?! Then wow, ok you'll need to really do more than the shot glass size. Maybe a wet hand towel shoved in along the edges?
I know!!! This last last week flew by!!!!!!!!

Maybe a water bottle with a pin hole that slowly drips into the water chute...

I have two pieces of humidity wick shoved in there already but I have to open the top to get the one wet and it dries super fast, the other I have to syringe water into that little hole so it dries quickly too.
I know!!! This last last week flew by!!!!!!!!

Maybe a water bottle with a pin hole that slowly drips into the water chute...

I have two pieces of humidity wick shoved in there already but I have to open the top to get the one wet and it dries super fast, the other I have to syringe water into that little hole so it dries quickly too.
Yeah it did, I could have sworn you set these eggs a week ago! :eek:

Keeping Humidity where you want it can be a big pain in the rump, but once you figure out a system, it gets more predictable.

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