I'm in St. Charles county south of Wentzville. Looking for anyone who might like to take our roosters.
One is a Rhode Island red, the other I'm not sure of, someone thought a production red. They are eight weeks old.
I can't tell the genders if my 3 spitzhaubens :( I'm thinking this means their the same. I wanted to breed them. Will trade male/female. Their at least 8 weeks old I should be able to tell
I have 1 silver and 2 gold. I think their all the same gender :(

I'd be willing to to trade a point of lay pullet for a rooster. I have barred rock. I bought a straight run of fancy breeds but they are turning out to be pullets.

If I've got no Cockrell (I can't sex these polish, houdans, spitz etc) in a few weeks I would love to trade. Im interested in crossing a big beautiful roo with my plain Jane rocks. I'm not interested in Rhode Island reds or leg horns or really any traditional American dual purpose breed. I'm looking for fancy around 5 pounds or more.

Let me know if you have an oops boy you have to cull. We can give him a good home. He'll have 17 ladies.

Too bad we're not closer, or I'd take you up on that offer! I was just looking at all my roos today. For some reason, the predator attack that got a lot of my fancy breeds got mostly pullets and left me with an overabundance of boys. Was thinking of doing some Craigslisting this weekend since they're old enough to start looking handsome...

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