Mites on Peacock

Ivermectin can last for years past the experation date. All companies have to put a date on the product by law. Some meds can last for 15-30 years after the experation, use by or best by dates. All you have to do is google it LOL. The date just means that the maker will guarantee the product up to that year, but not after. I use pour on for cattle and I inject it into a grape if needed. Never had a problem doing it that way and you can get a smaller bottle
I don't know how you get a couple cc's in a juicy grape, i tried and it just gushed out, and IMO pour on can be dangerous to birds because of the insert ingredient is grain alcohol.
My experience with medicating birds that run loose and don't want to be handled, I had one that had a swollen eye and would get on top of the pen run and when I would get close he would run to the other end (100 ft ) as my road to the pens was higher, I took 45 ft. of pvc pipe and layed it on top of the pen and the grapes would roll down in front of him . I injected a bit of baytril into a number of grapes and he ate all of them and with in a week he was fine. I put in what the grape would hold .. I tried sucking out some of the grape but that didn't work very well some grapes will hold more that others, I was using green grapes . Most of my birds have not been fed much bread and are not used to eating it as that would be better to soak up meds. This bird was one that came to my place a number of years ago and had never been penned up or even handled by me. So I suggest you put your meds. on some thing they will eat good . connerhills
Still working on the numbers for the paste, but have numbers for the pour-on for those that are like me and like to use medications per the label (yes, I know it's not labeled for poultry, but the dose amount is the same as it is for cattle).

Pour-on ivermectin is .05%, which means there are 5mg per 1ml (5mg/ml) and the recommended dose is .5mg/kg, so that's .1ml per 2.2 pounds. I know many give more, which is probably fine, but this might help someone if they decide to dose a peachick or bantam chicken.

FYI, I think the LD50 (median lethal dose) in mice is ~30mg/kg, so it really is very safe.


Edited to add: If my math is wrong, please correct me!
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I don't know how you get a couple cc's in a juicy grape, i tried and it just gushed out, and IMO pour on can be dangerous to birds because of the insert ingredient is grain alcohol.
Was told to put it on the bird's back but if I could not catch the bird to inject it into grapes by Deerman. When he posted that, no one mentioned what you just said above to him and I have been giving it to a couple of my birds this way.
I don't need to google it. Medications have an expiration date because that is how long the company guarantees them to be effective by a certain percentage. Say, 98% effective for 2 years, after that the efficacy decreases with each year that goes by until you might as well just pour water on them. Same goes for a rabies vaccine for your pet, after 1yr. or 3 yrs. the titer level starts to drop, they still have some protection from it, but I wouldn't want to bet their life that it was enough. LOL.
Talked to the pharm people about this today at work. They said that it depends on the med. Some meds can last for years and years while others cannot last as long. It is actually the laws that govern the expiration dates. For example the meds I take do not expire for 5 years but the Pharm. has to put on the label to discard after 1 year by law. The manufacturers have to put a date on the bottle by law so that is the date they will guarantee it for but it can last a couple years past experation. If it lasted for 10 years they will not tell you this cause you will not buy more for 10 years. I have used fish zole that it expired 4 years ago, corid that expired 3 years ago and baytril that was expired almost 2 years ago and all worked fine and all birds healed same amount of time. Read online about pain pills and tylonal past the expiration and those are also still safe to use. Watched the Today show last week or the week before talking about this topic with food and what you can still eat and what to toss out.
Talked to the pharm people about this today at work. They said that it depends on the med. Some meds can last for years and years while others cannot last as long. It is actually the laws that govern the expiration dates. For example the meds I take do not expire for 5 years but the Pharm. has to put on the label to discard after 1 year by law. The manufacturers have to put a date on the bottle by law so that is the date they will guarantee it for but it can last a couple years past experation. If it lasted for 10 years they will not tell you this cause you will not buy more for 10 years. I have used fish zole that it expired 4 years ago, corid that expired 3 years ago and baytril that was expired almost 2 years ago and all worked fine and all birds healed same amount of time. Read online about pain pills and tylonal past the expiration and those are also still safe to use. Watched the Today show last week or the week before talking about this topic with food and what you can still eat and what to toss out.

Absolutely correct, it does depend on the type of medication, and I never in any posting stated that the meds would be unsafe. However I know for a fact that injectables are one type that does degrade and lose potency quicker than a tablet or capsule form. The Ivermectin I was talking about was the injectable. Ask your pharmacy folks about the injectables, insulin and epinephrine are two that spring to mind, I think you will find that those are not something they would recommend using past the exp. date, especially if the original packaging has been breached as it would be if you were using it again and again.
I need some help with what i think might be mites...i hope someone sees this since this thread is old, but we bought a peahen at auction and long story short i think she has mites but I've never dealt with them so I'm not sure...i felt gritty stuff up under her feathers on her breast was dark and we had a flashlight but it looked like light brownish colored stuff, dry and gritty...our dirt where she would dust bathe us like fine sand, plus thus6 gritty stuff didnt disintegrate between my fingers like a tiny dirt chunk would. ..there is no outward signs of anything going on with her, just what i felt with my hands under her feathers. Should i treat with the meds mentioned above? She hasn't mingled too close with my other peafowl yet because she's still the new girl but should i treat the others as well even though they may not show outward signs? I won't be able to catch the other peafowl because they free range and roost in high trees but they do take treats like grapes as part of a daily routine so i could dose the grapes or some other food....any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks
@carriemacf ...Congrats on your new girl!

I'm afraid I couldn't quite understand your post, have you already given her a good place to dust bathe? @zazouse provides great info here about the baths she provides her peas, I can't quite remember what's in them...wood ash and peat moss? It may be that she hasn't had the opportunity to groom herself properly, because of however she was kept before/at the auction...

Others here have more mite experience than I do, but I'm not aware of mites that look like dirt.
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...Congrats on your new girl!

I'm afraid I couldn't quite understand your post, have you already given her a good place to dust bathe? @zazouse
provides great info here about the baths she provides her peas, I can't quite remember what's in them...wood ash and peat moss? It may be that she hasn't had the opportunity to groom herself properly, because of however she was kept before/at the auction...

Others here have more mite experience than I do, but I'm not aware of mites that look like dirt.

Oh yes she does have a dust bath area she uses daily, there is fine dirt there. I cant explain what it felt like, just like a cruddy flaky type matter under her feathers. It was dark outside so i couldn't take photos, i will try over the weekend to get some photos but it's also going to be hard because she doesn't like to be handled and even though she is penned up right now i don't want to stress her too much. It may ne nothing and i may be over reacting, but when you pay for a peahen you want to make sure you don't have any illness or parasite issues, that just has me nervous. It's also difficult because i have no history on her or the conditions of her previous environment etc.

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