Modesto Milling Organic Feeds?


11 Years
Jun 27, 2009
Does anyone buy Modesto Milling feeds for their chickens? They make several poultry blends.

I've been feeding my chicks a combination of Manna Pro starter (18% protein) and the MP game bird crumbles (24%) to increase the protein content. Organic feeds aren't available in my area but I really would rather feed it and I'm willing to make a longer drive to get it (especially if I can pick up some feed for friends).

Can anyone comment on the ingredients or nutrient content of the feeds? I'd be buying the starter/grower blend.
Thanks, I've spoken to a person at a feed store that carries it and one at Modesto Milling as well and they think it's great. Am hoping to hear from people on BYC who have chosen -- or not chosen -- to feed this brand. First-hand experience, if you will. Anyone?
Good to know, thanks.

What are the whole grains? Is that scratch or something else?
I have been using their products since I found that their feed is organic. Also a great source for food grade DE.

My chickens have done great on it and go through it like gangbusters. Started with chick crumble, now using layer pellets and crumble. Modesto Millings scratch is also good, but does have some whole corn in it. Mine don't seem to like the whole corn kernnels, but they are only 4 months old.

You can go there and pick it up M-F.
The feed is only a bit more than the non-organics other feed stores sell. I don't have a price list on me, but think the layer crumble is about $22 for 50#.

I'm looking forward to having some wonderful organic eggs to enjoy in the near future.
I just bought and yes, the feed is $22.25 for 50 lbs and scratch is $18. I usually just buy individual grains and mix my own because I can make it come out cheaper that way--and you can buy cracked corn which would solve the problem of whole kernels in the pre-made mix, though my gals like whole kernels. They also have great prices for minerals, alfalfa pellets, kelp and salts, as well as the DE that MoTownChickie mentioned. Their feed has many herbs mixed in as well as DE.
Freyja- Do you go near Goleta at all? I have seen Modesto Milling's organic feed in Island Seed and Feed, in Goleta, when I stopped in there this summer on my way home from a trip. I think it was $30 for 50#.

It seems like you folks have some places local to you that you are able to get feed at good prices. Is it at the mill or what is JS West? Where do you get your feed?

I am not trying to highjack the thread, but I am trying to put together a page with sources for organic feed, including feed stores that keep organic feed in stock.

I would love to add them to the list.


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