Moving to the country, need help figuring out fencing and new coops! My neighbor's loose dogs are c

The first thing I'd be doing is looking up the local laws on letting dogs run loose. I'd print off the pages pertaining to that and politely deliver them to said neighbor. Then I'd politely tell him/her that if the dogs were on my property they just might not show up at home again. If you're Against shooting them then the first time they're on your property coax them into a garage/shed & call Animal Control to pick them up. If there's no AC in your county take them to the nearest shelter or Humane Society.

I know NO WHERE in the entire USA where it is permissible to let KNOWN stock-killing dogs run free & kill whatever they like.
amen to that....that "friendly" neighbor's advice to you sounded more like a warning....I'd launch one back at her letting her know her dogs' presence on your grounds will NOT be tolerated since she's already told you they kill chickens and cats. Buy a rifle and practice with it. Let your neighbor know SHE is the one responsible for confining her dogs to her property and if she fails to you will address it as you see fit on YOUR property.
Another vote for informing them that if you see any dogs attacking your birds/cats/etc they won't be coming home :) Dogs who love to kill stuff are just fine - so's long as they stay home :)
For those who missed it; It was not the dog owner who warned the OP.
Maybe you need to read the opening post again. The dog owning neighbor told the original poster that her dogs like to kill chickens and cats. That's kinda bold, I think she doesn't care what anybody thinks. I would have, right then told her, that she WILL lose her dogs, if they kill or hurt ANY of my animals.
This really gets me cranky...we have a similar situation living next to us..I spent tons of money I do not have to keep the neighbors dogs off our property. We had yet another confrontation this last weekend. If his dogs try the fence will be hotwired...try it again and they put one paw in my yard..they are going to the happy hunting grounds in the sky..or to h*ll I don't care which way. If her dogs like to kill they need to be confined..if they run lose they need to die..that is all
This really gets me cranky...we have a similar situation living next to us..I spent tons of money I do not have to keep the neighbors dogs off our property. We had yet another confrontation this last weekend. If his dogs try the fence will be hotwired...try it again and they put one paw in my yard..they are going to the happy hunting grounds in the sky..or to h*ll I don't care which way. If her dogs like to kill they need to be confined..if they run lose they need to die..that is all

Just curious, where are you?
I wouldn't care what the law said. Neighbors dogs molesting my livestock is a no brainer for me. Defend my livestock with deadly force and no warning from me. Its my jobs to tend and protect my animals and its the neihbors responsibility to keep there animals detained

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