Muscovy Chat

I have a question... Is it a common thing for the male to sit with/next to the female while she's sitting on the nest? He acts like her body guard lol

Yes, they will. Especially if that's the only female, as the male might like to see his lady lol. I have heard of males even sitting on the nest while the mother is off, so what you are seeing is not unusual.
Hi. I'm new here so please bear with me. I have two male mallard/Peking ducks and one Ancona female. She laid 16 eggs and sat on then diligently. No one could go near her because she was so protective. All the eggs ended up being rotten but when I candles them they looked like the pics of some that were ready to hatch. Anyways I had to remove the final two as the smell was putrid. Now she won't give me any eggs. Why did she sit on those if they weren't fertile and should I be worried about her?
Hi. I'm new here so please bear with me. I have two male mallard/Peking ducks and one Ancona female. She laid 16 eggs and sat on then diligently. No one could go near her because she was so protective. All the eggs ended up being rotten but when I candles them they looked like the pics of some that were ready to hatch. Anyways I had to remove the final two as the smell was putrid. Now she won't give me any eggs. Why did she sit on those if they weren't fertile and should I be worried about her?

Hmm.. I don't think you should be worried about her, as my female who isn't broody was laying just fine and has now stopped. But I recommend that you pick her up and feel underneath her in case she is egg bound. Its extremely unlikely, but if you feel a lump, I heard you can put them in warm water and rub (I know it sounds weird) around that area and apparently the next day she might lay an egg. Otherwise, I wouldnt be worried ;)
Hi. I'm new here so please bear with me. I have two male mallard/Peking ducks and one Ancona female. She laid 16 eggs and sat on then diligently. No one could go near her because she was so protective. All the eggs ended up being rotten but when I candles them they looked like the pics of some that were ready to hatch. Anyways I had to remove the final two as the smell was putrid. Now she won't give me any eggs. Why did she sit on those if they weren't fertile and should I be worried about her?

By the way, as I have never owned a Peking duck, I'm not the best person to ask. So ask someone who owns them, but it doesnt sound like too much. Just watch over her.
What are signs that it's time to clip feathers? My ducks are almost 10 weeks, and like to run and flap their wings. I haven't looked closely at the feathers lately, they act rather cross when I've tried to open their wings in the past :)
What are signs that it's time to clip feathers? My ducks are almost 10 weeks, and like to run and flap their wings. I haven't looked closely at the feathers lately, they act rather cross when I've tried to open their wings in the past :)

Yay! Little babies are growing wings :) The signs you need to clip their wings are when they flap them and lift just the slightest bit off the ground. Trust me, I thought my duck Bubbles couldn't fly as I had seen her only just lift off the ground, and the next morning she was outside the pen. I now have all of their wings clipped. But when you do think it's time, go on YouTube and see how to do it, because there are a few mistakes you can make which could lead to life or death for a duck. Good luck clipping!
Hi all! I just wanted to let you know that you don't just have to ask questions. You can also just talk about your muscovy, as I like to talk anything about ducks :) Otherwise, I'm still open for questions ;)
Hi- I have 10 2 week old babies. They are all adorable and most everyone now has a prickly tummy, a few tail feathers, and bald shoulders. I ordered a straight run (just using them for company so I didn't care too much male or female). However, I have 2 that are significantly smaller than the other 8. This is my first time raising ducks, but everything I have read says that you really can not tell drakes from ducks till about 4-6 weeks. I am worried though that these are my only 2 ducks. I dont want the males to kill them trying to mate them all the time.

Any advice or tips?
If it does turn out that you have 8 drakes and only two hens, it will be a problem. You would need to get around 20 more hens or rehome some drakes. With 8 drakes there will be mating and pecking order drama. Very often the little drakes will be best of buddies as ducklings, grooming and snuggling. One day the mating hormones kick in and the duck drama starts. Even if they don't fight to the point of serious injury, they will spend much of the time chasing off the other drakes from their hens. Hens often only want to be with certain drakes, lots of running, chasing , grabbing, protesting, flapping and crashing around will be common. It can end up being a stressful environment unless you have a large area so everyone can spread out. Now if you had 8 hens and 2 drakes.....that would be a much better senerio. Hope things end up working out well for you.
Can you really go off of size at 2 weeks old? Everything I have read says that you really cant tell till 4-6 weeks? When can you start telling a difference based off of size?

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