Muscovy Duck Gender Help


5 Years
Jul 14, 2014
I need help with my Muscovy Ducks. I have 4 ducks are almost 3 months old (I think, they are growing in all their adult feathers and getting their wing feathers.) I bought them at an auction so I have no clue what sex they are. The one is a very big duck, one is very small. I know those two are a male and female. The other two are both a medium size. They all still do little chirps yet. What are some ways to know whether the two medium ducks are male or female. Could they be from a different clutch because the one medium duck was the smallest when I bought them. I'm also knew to this site so tips would be appreciated.
Hello and welcome to BYC!

I'm afraid I cannot help you with the gender problems but I can give you some tips on the ducks.

Muscovy ducks are perching ducks and spend most of their time on land as their oil glands are not as developed as mallard derived breeds. They will greatly appreciate a small kiddie pool or even a pond. They are excellent foragers and will make the best of the land they are given. Make sure there are no sharp objects in their paddock as cuts do not go down well. They are very hardy ducks and are not as prone to diseases as chickens. You will be amazed at how fast those ducks will grow and before no time you will be increasing your flock in size.

What are your ducks purpose or role In your life? Are they for meat, egg production, pets/company, or pest control. How big is your paddock for them to roam, what type of fencing do you have and how tall is it? Are you clipping their wings (which I recommend) when they are older? What are you feeding them ? If you have any other questions please repost here as I am happy to reply. And one last question where are you located? As it may effect what you will need for their winter quarters.

Have fun with your new ducks, and happy surfing the muscovy pages of backyard chickens.
They are for eggs/pets. They get the whole yard during the day then at night they go back to their pen which has some grass. They love finding bugs in the garden and finding bugs after it rains. There wings will be clipped and I feed them dumor chicken starter/grower (says starter/grower on bag) and mix it with cracked corn with occasional fruit and veggies mixed in. I live in pa so some winters can be mild while other can be pretty cold. How do you suggest I "winterize" my ducks? I'm also not sure about their
You might want to start a new thread on winter housing for your ducks (I know nothing about it as I live in bermuda!) it is pretty important to have some good winter housing as muscovys are tropical ducks.

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