Muscovy duck Q&A

OK friends. My Muscovie has been sitting on her eggs... One duckling has hatched. It's the cutest thing in the world. Now for the question, it's supposed to get into the teens this week at night, should I leave the duckling with momma or should I take the duckling and bring it inside. Do u guys think momma duck will keep it safe from harm and keep it alive. I mean naturally animals in the wild will raise their babies and make sure they are safe from harm and ensure they get plenty of nutrition. Is this any different
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OK friends. My Muscovie has been sitting on her eggs... One duckling has hatched. It's the cutest thing in the world. Now for the question, it's supposed to get into the teens this week at night, should I leave the duckling with momma or should I take the duckling and bring it inside. Do u guys think momma duck will keep it safe from harm and keep it alive. I mean naturally animals in the wild will raise their babies and make sure they are safe from harm and ensure they get plenty of nutrition. Is this any different
When we had frigid air come through after a hatch and only 4 hatched. I put mama and ducklings in a Xlarge dog crate and brought them inside placed them in spare bedroom where it stayed cooler than rest of the house they were in for 4 days. It was messy but at least they all survived. or you could put heat lamp up Mama scovy's keep their babies as toasty as mama hens.

Congrats on finally getting ducklings. @crandal
When we had frigid air come through after a hatch and only 4 hatched. I put mama and ducklings in a Xlarge dog crate and brought them inside placed them in spare bedroom where it stayed cooler than rest of the house they were in for 4 days.  It was messy but at least they all survived.  or you could put heat lamp up  Mama scovy's keep their babies as toasty as mama hens.

Congrats on finally getting ducklings.  @crandal

OK thank you. How about the rest of the flock. Will they harm the duckling. I have a bunch of 3 week old chickens and ducks that I bought and from what I'm reading I can't introduce them to the flock until they are like 4 months old or the flock may harm them. Does that mean the flock will harm the duckling momma hatched too or is it different because it was born within the flock
OK thank you. How about the rest of the flock. Will they harm the duckling. I have a bunch of 3 week old chickens and ducks that I bought and from what I'm reading I can't introduce them to the flock until they are like 4 months old or the flock may harm them. Does that mean the flock will harm the duckling momma hatched too or is it different because it was born within the flock
You need to protect your mama and ducklings from the rest of the flock too. I set up a small fenced in area with their own lil house that way everyone can see mom and ducklings but no one can get to them once they are around 2-3 weeks old I let them all be together ducklings are able to stay clear of bullies better and although I have never has this happen it is said drake will kill ducklings too.
You need to protect your mama and ducklings from the rest of the flock too. I set up a small fenced in area with their own lil house that way everyone can see mom and ducklings but no one can get to them once they are around 2-3 weeks old I let them all be together ducklings are able to stay clear of bullies better and although I have never has this happen it is said drake will kill ducklings too.

OK great thank you so much
Hey all,. Quick question,. One of my broiler chicks is half the size of her siblings missing a lot of feathers her feel and legs are greenish in color and it wobbles and limps around. Any thoughts on what's going on
Hey all,. Quick question,. One of my broiler chicks is half the size of her siblings missing a lot of feathers her feel and legs are greenish in color and it wobbles and limps around. Any thoughts on what's going on
Could the others be picking on the lil one? How old ? keep an eye on it to make sure it's eating and drinking and if you have some Poultry Nutri drench start giving it to her with a dropper right inside her bull tiny amounts at a time full strength. Could be also she just isn't thriving but rule out all reasons. [failure to thrive]
Could the others be picking on the lil one?  How old ? keep an eye on it to make sure it's eating and drinking and if you have some Poultry Nutri drench start giving it to her with a dropper right inside her bull tiny amounts at a time full strength.  Could be also she just isn't thriving but rule out all reasons. [failure to thrive]

Well one of the roosters is picking at her so I've separated it but the missing feathers comes from something else, she's missing feathers under her wings on her back plate and all on her belly,. Her feet and legs are green instead of orange and she hobbles and limps around like something is wrong with her leg or foot but when I apply pressure it doesn't seem to cause any discomfort. I keep feeding her and watering her and giving her organic apple cider vinegar waiting for her body to heal itself but nothing is changing,. Doesn't seem to be getting better,. Or worse,. Just.... The same,. For about 2 weeks now and her and her siblings are all like 2 or 3 months old

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