Muscovy duck Q&A

No I wouldn't,. But I would rough it out and make do for the greater good. If I can get them to hatch,. Chances are I will have plentiful eggs come next summer. If I wait till spring,. It will more likely be a year till I'm getting more steady egg flow. Plus allowing the ducks to live out their natural ways and mother some ducklings may just get them to be more comfortable in their new environment here
Their natural environment would be to roost in trees at night but we have no idea how many get picked off in "their natural ways" My Muscovy's use to have to be walked into their coop every night till they finally got into a routine. Now the older ones teach the younger {Mamas-Ducklings] to go in every evening before dark mine love their houses. Do you have quite a few drakes? that can make it hard to get them all in because drakes will fight in enclosed situation when I had more than one Muscovy drake the boys had their own bedroom[stall] inside the duck house so they were separated from each other. Your taking a big chance leaving your ducks out so late and after dark. I'd start getting them use to being herded inside before dark.

Oh and I think because of the warmer weather we're having this fall I still have 1 scovy female laying and she wants to brood, no way this late in the year. They have been later to molt too.
They use to go in at dusk on their own. But at night it's really no problem leaving them out my dogs protect them and keep predators away,. Until I go to sleep then my dogs come in house with me. and I plan to remove 1 or 2 of the Drake's just having a hard time figuring out which one to remove as described above. I don't want to make the wrong choice as there's no going back after that you know?. Also,. If I'm implementing artificial light in the coop. Does any light work or does it have to be a UV light to mimic the sun's affects?
They use to go in at dusk on their own. But at night it's really no problem leaving them out my dogs protect them and keep predators away,. Until I go to sleep then my dogs come in house with me. and I plan to remove 1 or 2 of the Drake's just having a hard time figuring out which one to remove as described above. I don't want to make the wrong choice as there's no going back after that you know?. Also,. If I'm implementing artificial light in the coop. Does any light work or does it have to be a UV light to mimic the sun's affects?
Just my own opinion I wouldn't use light in your coop. Having Muscovy's is completely different than other domestic duck breeds. They are not big layers and they are seasonal layers just like Mallards so forcing them into a routine of laying during a time they shouldn't be might cause health issues. I don't know that for sure but I think they weren't made to be year round layers for a reason. I am actually glad when breeding and laying ceases around here. Gives everyone a break and lets the females have a chance to rest their bodies over winter too. It takes alot to make an egg every 24 hrs.

Everyone has their own ideas though so you do what you want with your scovy's I can only give my feelings on this I have had Muscovy's since 2004

Now I have added 2 more breeds to my flock Runners and Buffs and boy those girls put out the eggs so if your looking for a duck breed that lays real well. And if you want eggs year round why not add another breed to your flock. My Muscovy's have accepted these ducks with out any problems which amazes me because if I was to bring another Muscovy drake in he'd be all over him but has never even looked at the Runner drake twice. [I'm still scratching my head over that one]
Thanks for the input. I trust your opinion after all,. I've been a Muscovy owner for all of 2.5 months now. Trying to learn as much as I can as fast as I can for the ducks well being
Thanks for the input. I trust your opinion after all,. I've been a Muscovy owner for all of 2.5 months now. Trying to learn as much as I can as fast as I can for the ducks well being
Muscovy's are awesome birds I cannot imagine Not having them. They aren't the most prolific egg layers but they sure are great broody's and mamas.They are the ones who hatched out my Runners and Buffs this year. I love their laid back independent nature. And my drake well he is such a great drake. I love him to bits.

That's what we're here for is to help each other. So if I can help answer any questions I will try my best. You have picked a great breed of duck.
Muscovy's are awesome birds I cannot imagine Not having them.  They aren't the most prolific egg layers but they sure are great broody's and mamas.They are the ones who hatched out my Runners and Buffs this year. I love their laid back independent nature.  And my drake well he is such a great drake. I love him to bits. 

That's what we're here for is to help each other.  So if I can help answer any questions I will try my best. You have picked a great breed of duck. :)

Thank you,. I'm still trying to figure out this website tried uploading photos and it said embedding but then nothing happened. I think I'm doing OK I got my dogs to interact well with them and the chickens in just a week,. I am however just having such a hard time figuring out which Drake to keep that's best for our flock and my family
Thank you,. I'm still trying to figure out this website tried uploading photos and it said embedding but then nothing happened. I think I'm doing OK I got my dogs to interact well with them and the chickens in just a week,. I am however just having such a hard time figuring out which Drake to keep that's best for our flock and my family
It's a hard decision but again for me personality means alot. I have only had to re home a few drakes because I keep my hatching under control They don't like it because Scovy females want to brood at the drop of a hat. But I keep them as long as I can watch their personalities come through how they interact with the girls that follow them. Then make my decision.It isn't easy. I have a very spoiled rotten drake now who was rejected by his mama over 5 yrs ago and my dh and I took him on at just hatched so he is more like a puppy than a drake. He can really be a stinker at times because he is so use to us especially my dh. But there is no way I could give that drake up. He loves his girls and has such a personalty he is just very special.

That's great your dogs have accepted them just beware Muscovy have been known to get so familiar with dogs that they will nip them and you have to make sure your dogs don't retaliate when it happens.

Have you read this?
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It's a hard decision but again for me personality means alot.  I have only had to re home a few drakes because I keep my hatching under control They don't like it because Scovy females want to brood at the drop of a hat.  But I keep them as long as I can watch their personalities come through how they interact with the girls that follow them. Then make my decision.It isn't easy. I have a very spoiled rotten drake now who was rejected by his mama over 5 yrs ago and my dh and I took him on at just hatched so he is more like a puppy than a drake. He can really be a stinker at times because he is so use to us especially my dh. But there is no way I could give that drake up.  He loves his girls and has such a personalty  he is just very special.

That's great your dogs have accepted them just beware Muscovy have been known to get so familiar with dogs that they will nip them and you have to make sure your dogs don't retaliate when it happens. 

Have you read this?

Oh they've nipped at my dogs. I was worried at first cause one of my dogs goes after everything,. Squirrels rabbits other dogs,. It was funny one chicken got in her face when she was laying down and then jumped on her back and started beating her up and she just jumped up shook the chicken off and moved over a few feet away from the chicken. I so expected that to end differently. Boy was I surprised.
So,. How do I tell which Drake is best for the girls. Alpha doesn't seem to mate at all Drake 2 and 3 both want to mate often and Drake 3 is most passive and stays solo all day so the other Drake's don't beat him up. But he's the most comfortable around us and the most beautiful,. He's the one I want to keep but don't know how he will be with the girls when the other 2 drakes are out of the picture cause he stays by himself
Oh they've nipped at my dogs. I was worried at first cause one of my dogs goes after everything,. Squirrels rabbits other dogs,. It was funny one chicken got in her face when she was laying down and then jumped on her back and started beating her up and she just jumped up shook the chicken off and moved over a few feet away from the chicken. I so expected that to end differently. Boy was I surprised.
So,. How do I tell which Drake is best for the girls. Alpha doesn't seem to mate at all Drake 2 and 3 both want to mate often and Drake 3 is most passive and stays solo all day so the other Drake's don't beat him up. But he's the most comfortable around us and the most beautiful,. He's the one I want to keep but don't know how he will be with the girls when the other 2 drakes are out of the picture cause he stays by himself
Just my 2 cents I would choose #3 because he is most comfortable around you all and as far as how he will be after the other 2 go well you never know till that happens. All drakes are pretty rough with mating it is just the way it is with ducks. But I do see my drake making loving gestures to his females I say loving because that is what it looks like to me. How are your females around #3 even if they don't pay him much attention that will change once he became head drake.

Glad to hear your dog is comfortable around the birds..
Just my 2 cents I would choose #3 because he is most comfortable around you all and as far as how he will be after the other 2 go well you never know till that happens. All drakes are pretty rough with mating it is just the way it is with ducks.  But I do see my drake making loving gestures to his females  I say loving because that is what it looks like to me. How are your females around #3 even if they don't pay him much attention that will change once he became head drake. 

Glad to hear your dog is comfortable around the birds..

They don't pay him any attention because alpha one makes them all keep their distance from him. When I isolate alpha 1 male then Drake 3 tries mating with them all

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