My 2024 chicks are here


Jun 21, 2020
My Coop
My Coop
My 8 new birds just got here on Tuesday; 5 of which I am raising for myself and the remaining 3 for a friend until they are 6 weeks old. I decided to try a new hatchery this time and settled on Meyer for their broad selection in breeds. This is also my first time raising bantams. This year I'm trying a new brooder set up in a pet tent which so far is one of the best I've ever had. I'm also trying a new bedding material (shredded paper) and the absorbency is SO good.

Unfortunately my Brinsea Ecoglow wasn't working for the first day and I had to brood them against myself for a few hours before I could get a heat lamp set up. Luckily I bought a waterproof pet blanket to hold them in anyway so it worked out- it also got them comfortable with my hands and I have no issues picking them up to do checks. They're already super friendly and love to climb all over me when I'm with them. Yesterday I took them outside for the very first time in some pet fencing. I have the slots between the bars covered by some ancient brooder panels but they have begun to crumble to pieces and I'll probably have to buy new ones before I take them out again lol.

I'm really excited to see how these birds grow. I try to get all new breeds every time so this batch is a Splash Marans, BC Marans, Porcelain D'Uccle, Millie Fleur D'Uccle, and a Frizzle EE. The ones I'm raising for my friend are a RIR, BJG and a Welsummer.

This will be the fifth generation of current birds. This addition also means a reason to upgrade my coop again and I'm certainly ready to make that change.
More photos to come

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