my baby is weirding me out...

i dont know about that..all my dead relatives were a bunch of jerkoffs!

wait...there WAS a little kid that was murdered in this house 80 years ago..i found this out a couple years ago. could that be it??
Spirits who are killed violently typically stay at the scene of the crime and alot of times the spriit itself is not there but an "imprint of them still lingers" .. It is too much for them to realize that they have passed.. that being said you can contact a local medium or psychic to cleanse your home of any negative energies or do it yourself with salt, sage , or if you are more inclined to christianity Holy water across your doors and windows .. Religious symbols are very powerful protectors.. All of my children and neices and nephews have at one time done what your child is doing somtetimes it is spirit others I think it is more that they are just starting to really see things for the first time.. you never know there could be a beam of light to thier eyes that is super sparkly etc...
Children who have had their lives tragically cut short often don't know that they're dead -- remember, if they're young enough, kids don't have a good grasp of what death is. So they stick around somewhere that feels safe, like their home, waiting for somebody to help them.

If it is the spirit of the kid interacting with your youngster, obviously nothing scary is happening, so I'd say, let it be for a while. Once your young'n becomes verbal, then you can ask what's up.

For now, just enjoy the laughing! It will become "NO" soon enough

Whitewater (a paranormal investigator)
i am so sorry, i made that last bit up(
) ...but seriously, it is really weird. he was doing it again this morning..he was just cracking up at...nothing!
I hope nobody takes this the wrong way, I'm not saying anything bad about any other posts....but I do not believe in "ghosts" myself, at all. I do however believe that we live in a spiritual world (created by God) with angels and demons present that we do not see. Other than that I don't believe spirits from actual people come back to haunt us or visit us. If we see a presence that is not of this world, IMO it is either sent from God or sent from the Devil. I do think people may think they are seeing a dead relative, friend, etc but I believe that's an image being portrayed that is used by one side or the other and is not the actual person...does that makes sense??

That being said, babies are goofballs. My son sometimes looks around in his room at the ceiling pointing and grunting like he's trying to show me something. I think he just sees shadows, lol. I really doubt he sees anything specific, he's just a baby who is exploring his surroundings. If he really were seeing something it would have to be an angel. I have a PPO out on Satan and his demons and they're not allowed on my property or anywhere near my family. And God enforces it for me, so there is no breaking that PPO!!

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