My "broiler" chickens -pics-

Wow, I would say you're safe!
your six day olds look like my chicks when they were three days old!

Compare Greta at 9 days old to your 11 day old chick!

Compare your 11 day old chicks to this pic of George at 15 days. Look how much development has occurred after only six days from the 9 day old pic!

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I too got 2 broilers last year that were left behind on a biddy bus, they are not careful to get all of them when they unload and these 2 babies where left to die when they dropped it off at the shop where my husband works. I had never even wanted chickens before. They were my first ever chickens and wonderful pets, hand raised in my house. They loved to eat canned tomatoes and would wait for me to wipe their beaks with a napkin. The hen(Bo) would rest her head on my leg to be petted and the roo(Peepers) would crow at the ants. I wish I had this site then and I would not have learned the hard way about predator proofing the coop and run. I am glad to see someone else sees how wonderful these birds can be as pets. Your girls look healthy and happy, good job.
That is a sweet story and I'm sorry you lost them, they sound like sweethearts.

I can just picture their messy canned tomato beaks, that is just too cute.
Do you have any pictures of them?
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I have pics of me wiping Peepers mouth, hubby took it because no one believed a 20+lb rooster would let me wipe it's beak. They got very large because I didn't know to limit their food. The loss was very hard and I put all pics away, it hurt too much to look. I also lost 2 ee's during the same attack but I never found their bodies. We buried them and piled rocks to mark it. It is now the chickens favorite place to hunt yummy bugs. Seeing yours brought back happy memories, I will look for pics tomorrow.
Yes, cornish rocks. I know, it was crazy, they were only chicks for a couple weeks.

Here's one month old


And 18 days later...

I can understand how hard it must have been. One day George and Greta started panting and they were breathing so hard their sides were heaving. For hours every time I checked on them, they were still panting. I was so upset that I bawled all night. That's when we started the aspirin treatment, and when I spent time with them I couldn't relax, I just stared at them the whole time, obsessing over how they were doing. When they were two weeks old and I found out about the problems they could face and that they might die anyway, I cried and cried and felt depressed for a long time. It's amazing how strong a hold they had over me in such a short amount of time. They really are special, I love them so much!

I hope you find pics, I would like to see that cute beak wiping pic!

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