My Chicken Coop (New Photos)

Uh, Scott, what's that stuff on your face in the first pic? Man, you need to get that cleared up!

Yeah, and now its been changed, how disapointing for us HENS!!
(I was thinking FINALLY something to LOOK AT)
There is WAAAYYYYY too much estrogen on this site! LOL!

I was just thinking that the "hens" were jumping on that avatar like a duck on a junebug!

But I admit, I didn't mind looking at your scruffy face, Scott. A woman can only be just SO nutty about her chickens...LOL!
Seriously though, thanks to everyone for all the positive feedback on the coop. And though unexpected, the vote of confidence on the avatar is appreciated as well.
Thanks for turning me onto the blog! That will now become a regular read for me.

You really seem to have a thing for black and white; both portraits AND chickens!

I myself tend to live in the "grey" world (not grey as in "without sun", but as in "neither here nor there". I draw outside the lines, think outside the box, and my favorite word is actually an interrogative: "Why?"

Thanks again for brightening up this little corner of the world.
Thanks LaMama Gallina!

I think the coop itself took about 6 weeks to complete, that doesn't include little finishing touches like the trim and nestboxes, which were added later. The pen was also added later. I don't have any plans or blueprints. Wish I did though. As for cost, I don't even want to admit that to myself... lol. I had a budget that I was going to stick to, but that didnt last long. However, there are a lot of great posts on this board for building a coop on a budget or with materials you can sometimes find for next-to-nothing or even free. Have you considered a small pre-made shed for your chickens? Or perhaps a modified rabbit-hutch?

I mainly worked on it during the weekends, weather permitting. I don't have any carpentry/construction experience, and yet it wasn't too difficult. I'm sure your husband could throw one together. And if you were able to help him a bit, it probably wouldn't take that long. There are a lot of great ideas in the 'coop' section of this web site. I made use of some those ideas myself. The hardest part was figuring out the rafters, but there are several good sites on the internet with roof framing instructions. Also, my coop is 8ft x 8ft. I went with 8ft increments, so that there would be less cutting (sheathing comes in 4ftx8ft dimensions).

I actually enjoyed building it. And its a very satisfying feeling once you're all done. However, I'm already planning on building a lean-to addition for hens to raise their young away from the rest of the flock.

Thanks again for the positive feedback.
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Glad you enjoyed the blog. Good, isn't? I wish I could take credit for it. It actually belongs to my younger brother though. He's a darn good writer. He gave me some space on his web domain to upload the photos of my birds.

In my opinion, you can't go wrong with black and white, at least in birds and photography! Though truth be told, I'm really wanting to add some color to my flock! I want some Mille Fleurs and/or Partridge Cochins!

As for the "why" of it all, I'm awfully fond of that question myself. ;-)

- Scott
Well now I know why I didn't get a response from Scott about getting the Roo, He was over here entertaining you ladies,
I almost got to meet him yesterday, Oh well maybe next time!!!!

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