My Christmas EGG TREE!

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you so much!

I just went to vote and saw you had pulled your tree!!! I am so sorry - Your's is the true winner and so are you

Melissa Rose, thank you kindly, I appreciate your support during the voting and now.

Please feel free to join me on my Facebook page, I'd love to see you there! I'm having a 'Night Before Christmas' Giveaway! Post any photo of your chicken(s) on my wall for a chance to win a 'got eggs?' tee shirt!
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Hi ADozenGirlz -

I know I'm reviving a super old thread here, but I came to ask for your help! I just remembered this egg tree contest and how hard we all tried in voting, such a bummer it ended how it did!

I have entered a much smaller picture contest through my local bank, and I was hoping that maybe you would be kind enough to vote if you had a few minutes and liked my picture. Of course it's of two little chicks! Right now I'm in 6th place and need all the help I can get.

Anyway, if you're able to help me at all, I'd really appreciate it!
I posted details here

Thanks so much!

Hi ADozenGirlz -

I know I'm reviving a super old thread here, but I came to ask for your help! I just remembered this egg tree contest and how hard we all tried in voting, such a bummer it ended how it did!

I have entered a much smaller picture contest through my local bank, and I was hoping that maybe you would be kind enough to vote if you had a few minutes and liked my picture. Of course it's of two little chicks! Right now I'm in 6th place and need all the help I can get.

Anyway, if you're able to help me at all, I'd really appreciate it!
I posted details here

Thanks so much!

Hey Girl!! Absolutely!! I'm on it!
Aww, thanks! By the way, after seeing your beautiful egg ornaments, I tried my own and they turned out pretty good. I think it will become a tradition! I liked your ideas a lot so I joined your facebook page and you recently shared a picture of chick decorated nails. That inspired my daughter and I to give it a try:


You have so many other great suggestions on there too - thank you!
By the way, feed bag totes are next on our things to try... I just need to figure out how to work a sewing machine! haha
Aww, thanks! By the way, after seeing your beautiful egg ornaments, I tried my own and they turned out pretty good. I think it will become a tradition! I liked your ideas a lot so I joined your facebook page and you recently shared a picture of chick decorated nails. That inspired my daughter and I to give it a try:


You have so many other great suggestions on there too - thank you!
By the way, feed bag totes are next on our things to try... I just need to figure out how to work a sewing machine! haha
Holy cuteness, Shayna!! Yours came out so much better than the ones on my Pinterest board! I have a ton of ideas and information on my Blog too and I'd love it if you became a subscriber! You'll get the most recent blog posts first before they even hit my FB page!

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