My dog has Lymphoma - UPDATE Zoey has passed, may she rest in peace.

I'm sorry you lost your dog
Bless your heart-the loss of a beloved pet is so deeply painful, but the joy they bring us while we have them and the memories they leave make the pain bearable.
I'm so sorry. I know Zoey hears you, and she'll never truly be gone. She's still watching over you and your home, she's just no longer burdened with a sick body.
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I'm sorry. I hope your saddness will turn to fond memories of your time spent with Zoey. A good friend is hard to lose. Healing thoughts to you tonight.
so sorry to hear of your loss . i too lost my beloved ruth to the same thing. as your zoey my ruth and i did the garding, feeding the animls,i could not even brush my teeth with out her
i miss her and it has been 2 years. she lays to rest under a bed of mini roses (white ). she was a white german shepard
how blessed we have been to have had such loveing friends our pets.
i belive some day we will be greeted by these old friends,
thinking of you
I am so sorry for your loss.
I honestly believe you will be with her again someday. Our pets give us such happiness and unconditional love that their loss is immeasurable. My deepest sympathies.

I thought I'd tell my dog's story in case it can help someone else.

My 15 1/2 year old terrier was diagnosed with lymphoma last year and we had a similar decision to make. Emma was excellent health except for her failing eyesight when we took her in for her bi-annual senior exam and blood tests. When the test results came back we found out differently. Emma had cancer. We did further tests to pin it down and she was diagnosed with lymphoma. After much thought we chose the holistic route over the chemo due to her age. I put her on a mushroom mix called Mycoplex 7 (can get on the Internet) and changed her diet to "starve" the cancer. I switched to EVO super low carb dog food (now called weight management) and extra fiber as she has a lipid absorption problem. Today she stills runs and jumps and loves her food and is very fit and happy (she has always been incredibly fit for her age). As far as Emma is concerned she is in great health and very happy. This week I got her new tests results back and her lymphocytes are very high again so I can only hope she continues to feel so good. I only mention this to offer hope to some others who find out their pet has cancer. I know we will mourn her terribly when the time comes but for now we cherish her every moment and hope for as much time as possible as long as she feels this well.

FYI--I got the mushroom idea from a "human" holistic practitioner.
I'm so very sorry Zoey is gone. It is so hard to lose the ones that are underfoot. For weeks after my little gal passed I still looked for her at my feet so I wouldn't step on her.

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