My ducks are fighting!!


Aug 1, 2019
Help!!! I have 5 pekin ducks. 3 female and 2 male. My one male and one female keep attacking the other male. They are out in the pond and will hold the one males head under water pecking at him and attacking him! He has bald spots. He runs away and wont fight back. Idk what to do!! Help please!
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Sounds like you need to separate them ASAP. I would start by separating out the two aggressors, and letting the bullied male stay with the other two girls.

Some time apart might help reset the 'pecking order' and the two attackers may settle down and stop going after this drake.

If not, the only thing to really do is to either rehome the male being attacked, which you may have a hard time with since a lot of people either don't want drakes or already have one, or you can try to sell the two aggressors as a pair, which you might have more luck with since females are always much easier to sell and/or rehome.

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