My JUMBO Italian Celadon Project

It really is hard
I find the option of eating the extras helps keep my numbers manageable, but hubby agreed to one pen of quail, and now I have 5. I canā€™t risk my only black one out there in the yard, so he and 4 friends are inside until I can breed him, then thereā€™s the indoor cage of double silvers in my living room... oh I have to replace Tiger Millionaire, so I have 2 brooders of chicks
Some people donā€™t understand the pressure of being an animal lover.
20 GOLD EGGS INTO LOCKDOWN!!! I feel pretty good about this so far, surely lost the 10, and 2 are questionable. One of them is tiny tiny tiny, and the other is just not looking as developed as it should be. Using a NR 360 so never have had any issues with humidity. Day 18 is Wednesday! I cant wait. Then I have the celadons hatching on the 5th I believe along with a bunch of jumbo wilds I gave to a very persistent broody hen. AND I have grau fee eggs coming. Oh no what have I done. SO MANY EGGS! šŸ¤£
Who else is on the Coturnix colors and genetics Facebook group? Oh. my. gosh. I joined a little over a month ago. SO MUCH INFORMATION. Ive learned so much off of there. Also made me realize how much I love Pansy's! Gonna have to get some of those.
I wish it wasnā€™t on Facebook :( all the best stuff is always involving social media. Iā€™ll live vicariously thru you.
Just saw the first wiggle!!!
Gold eggs (lockdown).jpg
:woot2 pips!!! 1 problem...

One of the pips is on the small side of the egg. What do y'all suggest I do. I was just going to wait until day 19 then when I take out any chicks I would help it - that is, if it needs help. I whistled a bit and it poked its beak out. Im thinking it will hatch by itself. Ive never actually had this happen before so I'm not sure how it usually goes.

And I got good timing on this hatch! I just got my second vaccine today so for the next two days I can just sit and watch them hatch!šŸ¤£

Edit: Upon closer inspection with a flashlight (dark room the incubators in). I have like 6-7 pips!! One more seems to be like mid egg though and not at the top. Could this be a result of putting in lockdown to early? I did so like early day 14.
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The one from the wrong end will probably need help, but may not make it even if you do help. If there's a problem with hatch, there's often a problem with the chick. In my experience about 25% of the chicks I help make it, the rest either fail to thrive or end up needing to be culled. To assist or not is up to you.
The one from the wrong end will probably need help, but may not make it even if you do help. If there's a problem with hatch, there's often a problem with the chick. In my experience about 25% of the chicks I help make it, the rest either fail to thrive or end up needing to be culled. To assist or not is up to you.
Okay thank you I think I will. Rather give it 25% chance than none! Im gonna wait until I think everyone else is done though since I dont want to risk shrink wrapping or other problems for a sake of one possible chick. If its still kicking by then ill help.

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