My leukemia's back.

Good news Cynthia.

I'm heading to the breast surgeon Friday for a consult to see if she recommends an open biopsy. Of corse, the appt is on the same day as my dad has his other knee removed. (It's just not healing and is now unsuitable for a prosthesis.)

Wish us luck.
Tough times, Friday - you'll be in my thoughts :hugs
Sorry I haven't been on much - kinda working through some issues since Linda's death but improving a bit, I think, with the help of some brand new "Happy Cappys". Thanks, OGM, for sending me the FB message about all of you I've been expecting it, dreading it, and probably in a lot of ways hiding from it. Her humor, good sense, and courage will live on in our hearts and minds, and my heart goes out to her loving family.

Anyone but me remember an old song called "Gathering Flowers for the Master's Bouquet?" Yeah, it's been like that. Heaven has been gathering the cream of the crop, and it must be a much brighter place now than it even was before. Love you all!
HI Blooie! Welcome Back! I hope your happy pills get you back in good shape, we missed you AND you had us all worried! Don't do that again darn it!

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