My leukemia's back.

Good morning Team Rachel. Stay warm!

g morn pig.gif
Hi Phil :frow Did you catch anything?
Cold? Lots of cold?

Good morning Team Rachel, hope everyone has a good day :frow
Cold but sunny, which this time of year go together. All the way up to 7°F now. DD1 ran out of gas ~10 miles from home last night returning from Boston. I saw -4°F on my way to get her going again. Of course she was on the interstate so an extra 8-10 miles added to the round trip.

As much as i like winter in ready for the snow to go.... Heck I went fishing in Munising Bay yesterday and the ice is so thick I can barely get through it.....
Sounds like an extended ice fishing season this year.
Cold? Lots of cold?

Cold but sunny, which this time of year go together. All the way up to 7°F now. DD1 ran out of gas ~10 miles from home last night returning from Boston. I saw -4°F on my way to get her going again. Of course she was on the interstate so an extra 8-10 miles added to the round trip.

Sounds like an extended ice fishing season this year.

Good job on rescuing your DD1 last night Bruce. Running out of gas is never fun but at night, on the interstate and in the cold? I know she was glad to see you!

We're only looking at 1-3" of snow (which has started) but east of us they're supposed to get more. DS is staying over one more night so he doesn't get stuck sleeping in his truck if the interstate gets closed between Laramie & Cheyenne.

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