My leukemia's back.

@Blooie how is Little Diane doing?
Thanks for asking. Got an hour?

Her mom refused to get the genetic test done. She said she would at first, then began a series of vicious attacks on Little Diane with absolutely no provocation whatsoever. Bumbley fowarded some of the messages to me and honestly I’ve never read such filth and cruelty in my life! I don’t know how Little Diane kept from responding in kind, but she did. She said she couldn’t fall into that because she needed to stay calm - she needed her mom to get those tests run and if she had to kiss her hiney to get it done, she would. Among the things her mom told her were that she should “Suck it up - it’s not the end of the world and I survived it. You’re only doing this for attention and I’m not giving you mine. I didn’t raise you to be a blood sucking baby.” That’s the one time Diane did respond - she told her mom she threw her away and didn’t raise her at all. Terrin told her she wished she’d had an abortion to save them all the trouble of being stuck with Little Diane; that she knew Diane would be trouble even before she was born; that everything in her own life that was ugly and bad was because of Little DIane. I‘m basically paraphrasing because I wouldn’t dare use the real language used regardless of the time, place, or situation. That wasn’t a mother talking….that was a tough biker chick on drugs talking. So Little Diane is devastated that her mother doesn’t love her enough to get one simple vial of blood drawn, even though Little Diane had offered to pay for it.

Her heart tests came back with just a few changes from the last time Ken and I had her baseline run, so the cardiologist cleared her for surgery. That was a big relief. He wants to continue to follow-up for her Marfans but she told him that she was already going to be paying for this cancer for the rest of her life and didn’t want to add more to that.

Today she had her biopsy under contrast MRI guidance. There was a new mass discovered that they hadn’t been able to pick up on the mammogram or ultrasound. They took several biopsies from that one and she should get the results back by Friday. So right now the score is: one intraductal papilloma in the right breast with abnormal and precancerous cells in it; one positively identified malignant tumor on the left side; and one mass deep in the tissue in the left breast with biopsy results pending. I don’t know when they’ll schedule her surgery or how extensive it will be.
Thanks for asking. Got an hour?

Her mom refused to get the genetic test done. She said she would at first, then began a series of vicious attacks on Little Diane with absolutely no provocation whatsoever. Bumbley fowarded some of the messages to me and honestly I’ve never read such filth and cruelty in my life! I don’t know how Little Diane kept from responding in kind, but she did. She said she couldn’t fall into that because she needed to stay calm - she needed her mom to get those tests run and if she had to kiss her hiney to get it done, she would. Among the things her mom told her were that she should “Suck it up - it’s not the end of the world and I survived it. You’re only doing this for attention and I’m not giving you mine. I didn’t raise you to be a blood sucking baby.” That’s the one time Diane did respond - she told her mom she threw her away and didn’t raise her at all. Terrin told her she wished she’d had an abortion to save them all the trouble of being stuck with Little Diane; that she knew Diane would be trouble even before she was born; that everything in her own life that was ugly and bad was because of Little DIane. I‘m basically paraphrasing because I wouldn’t dare use the real language used regardless of the time, place, or situation. That wasn’t a mother talking….that was a tough biker chick on drugs talking. So Little Diane is devastated that her mother doesn’t love her enough to get one simple vial of blood drawn, even though Little Diane had offered to pay for it.

Her heart tests came back with just a few changes from the last time Ken and I had her baseline run, so the cardiologist cleared her for surgery. That was a big relief. He wants to continue to follow-up for her Marfans but she told him that she was already going to be paying for this cancer for the rest of her life and didn’t want to add more to that.

Today she had her biopsy under contrast MRI guidance. There was a new mass discovered that they hadn’t been able to pick up on the mammogram or ultrasound. They took several biopsies from that one and she should get the results back by Friday. So right now the score is: one intraductal papilloma in the right breast with abnormal and precancerous cells in it; one positively identified malignant tumor on the left side; and one mass deep in the tissue in the left breast with biopsy results pending. I don’t know when they’ll schedule her surgery or how extensive it will be.

I am so deeply sorry.

What a devastating response for Little Diane!

Probably not my place to mention this but maybe you want to touch on Terrin's other issues.

Beaucoup :hugs for Little Diane
The only thing of Terrin’s that I’d like “touch” right now is certainly not her issues! But you didn’t hear me say that. For those who don’t know, Terri has a very serious mental illness. However, as her family we’ve learned that it tends to be an illness of convenience at times. This is one of those times. She simply didn’t want to do the testing and rather than say so, she did what she’s always done and went on a rant. After the initial issue has passed, she always blames her illness. That, as her psychiatrist once told us, only goes so far as an excuse for what would normally be inexcusable behavior. He told us to watch for two signs that she’s using it - she’s sorry without any accompanying emotion, and she recalls every word of the blowup and will use the next opportunity to throw your part of it in your face. In a true episode, when she’s calmed she barely remembers the trigger or the reactions, and when she’s reminded she’s genuinely remorseful. We’re seeing the first two right now….in fact, somehow this has become my fault because I stole her kids from her for the state money.

I am so deeply sorry.

What a devastating response for Little Diane!
Even more devastating because given the seriousness of what Little Diane is facing, and the fact that Terrin’s been there herself, she didn’t expect the attacks in any way. She was expecting her mom to do whatever she could to help. So, once again Little Diane is abandoned by the woman who should be willing to move mountains for her.
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Thanks for asking. Got an hour?

Her mom refused to get the genetic test done. She said she would at first, then began a series of vicious attacks on Little Diane with absolutely no provocation whatsoever. Bumbley fowarded some of the messages to me and honestly I’ve never read such filth and cruelty in my life! I don’t know how Little Diane kept from responding in kind, but she did. She said she couldn’t fall into that because she needed to stay calm - she needed her mom to get those tests run and if she had to kiss her hiney to get it done, she would. Among the things her mom told her were that she should “Suck it up - it’s not the end of the world and I survived it. You’re only doing this for attention and I’m not giving you mine. I didn’t raise you to be a blood sucking baby.” That’s the one time Diane did respond - she told her mom she threw her away and didn’t raise her at all. Terrin told her she wished she’d had an abortion to save them all the trouble of being stuck with Little Diane; that she knew Diane would be trouble even before she was born; that everything in her own life that was ugly and bad was because of Little DIane. I‘m basically paraphrasing because I wouldn’t dare use the real language used regardless of the time, place, or situation. That wasn’t a mother talking….that was a tough biker chick on drugs talking. So Little Diane is devastated that her mother doesn’t love her enough to get one simple vial of blood drawn, even though Little Diane had offered to pay for it.

Her heart tests came back with just a few changes from the last time Ken and I had her baseline run, so the cardiologist cleared her for surgery. That was a big relief. He wants to continue to follow-up for her Marfans but she told him that she was already going to be paying for this cancer for the rest of her life and didn’t want to add more to that.

Today she had her biopsy under contrast MRI guidance. There was a new mass discovered that they hadn’t been able to pick up on the mammogram or ultrasound. They took several biopsies from that one and she should get the results back by Friday. So right now the score is: one intraductal papilloma in the right breast with abnormal and precancerous cells in it; one positively identified malignant tumor on the left side; and one mass deep in the tissue in the left breast with biopsy results pending. I don’t know when they’ll schedule her surgery or how extensive it will be.

Sorry Little Diane is having to deal with this on top of the health issue Blooie. Sending lots of prayers her way. And I'm glad she has you and Ken to support her.
Blooie, just WOW! I'm so sorry you all are having to go through this. I'm lifting you all up in prayer. Right now is not the time for added stress in Diane's life. Hopefully, she can consider the source, and not let it upset her too much, regardless of what her mother decides to do.

As a long term breast cancer survivor, Terri should be getting blood tests done twice a year, anyway. Once a year is the bare minimum. It's nothing for her to schedule for her bloodwork to be done now, and ask for the additional test to be run on it.

Praying for the best possible outcome, in regards to everything.
Well, folks, I have one very happy granddaughter and one elated family! I just screen shot her message again…when it comes to medical terms I know how to explain things I’m familiar with like my kidney disease and Kendra’s Spina Bifida, but what Little Diane is going through is beyond my invisible medical degree.

March 28... good to know what day to worry and pray hard.

I am glad she is scheduled.
Me too!! She was just so relieved when I talked to her she almost sounded giddy! I asked why the surgery was scheduled so far out, knowing that one of masses is definitely malignant. She said they have several reasons for it, one of which is the wait for her genetic testing to come back. I wondered about that - doesn’t seem like it would take that long.

She also explained that when she found the first lump and went in right away (that is the papilloma that contains pre-cancerous and abnormal cells) her OB ordered an immediate mammogram followed by an ultrasound and the only two things that were visible were the papilloma and the enlarged lymph node. They suspected the lump she felt was most likely a cyst (this was before the biopsies showed otherwise) and recommended massages and hot packs, with a follow up in a couple of weeks to see if it had responded. It hadn’t. Thus on January 4th began the rounds of biopsies and tests. Well, during one of those tests the little mass showed up. It lit up brightly during the PET scan. When they compared images they couldn’t see it on the earlier ones. That means that it’s really early, so they feel comfortable waiting until she’s a little stronger. (I think I forgot to mention that she had Covid the end of November, before all of this started, and it hit her hard. She was extremely sick and in the hospital for a few days and still tires easily and has a little trouble breathing with exertion.)

I just want it over with. I want that ugly disease out of her body and I want her to be able to get back to living her life without this hanging over her.

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