My leukemia's back.

1 is a CCL rooster.
2 is a bielefelder rooster :D

I have one sick chicken, and would like your opinions on what you would do. History: It's a Speckled Sussex pullet-she is about 4 months old. All other birds are fine.

I have her separated. She was eating until day before yesterday. She has been sitting on the roost in a cage for 2 days. About 2 weeks ago her eye swelled. I gave her Duramycin. Through the 2 weeks I've also given her electrolytes and ACV. She was eating medicated chick starter, but has stopped eating. She is not wheezing, coughing, and WAS not acting lethargic. Temps have been into the 90s-100F. She has had access to food and water 24/7. Her eye now has infection set in. Assuming it did the whole 2 weeks, but now it's very prevalent.

This morning I am boiling her some eggs, and I am going to wash Her eye out before I go to work. I am swapping out cages because other cage needs cleaned at this point. I'll try to get pics, but it's 4:17am here, so I'm working solo. Anything else you all would do?
Ok! I got pics. If you are grossed out by disgusting things, don't read any further. Go directly past my post to the next person's. Sorry I don't know how to "hide" pics. I know it's an option here, but can't find it. You've been warned.

So, the 1st pic is just her sitting on the roost bar in the cage. When I got her out, she fought back & was quite spunky. That is very encouraging.


I put a warm, damp paper towel over her eye to loosen up any crusties. I washed off any excess that was outside the eye area.


Then I peeled (yes, it was in layers, not like pus, or cottage cheese consistency,) off until it seemed to bother her. There was not blood. When I got some of the layers off, there is a hole in the top of the eye.....? At least that's what it appears to me.


I gave her more Duramycin in her water, fed her the egg and was happy to see her picking at both. Not devouring, but picking. Still better than yesterday. Any ideas what this could be or how I should treat her. I would hate to cull her, but if it is contagious, I will do what's best for the flock.

Because there appeared to be a hole, I looked carefully for bugs, parasites, and did not see any. It is mostly dark back at the barn, so I could've overlooked it. I have seen "eye worm" in chickens (only on the Internet-not experienced it...thankfully), and she does not have that.
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Thank you, Outpost, for the input! Love the smiles and I have no experience in that area of chicken eye diseases. Wow, hope she is not in too much pain. Glad to hear you were able to go to work.

Where is everyone? Just want to make sure all is ok. Awfully quiet around here. Is that a good thing?
It has been quiet here...

Hope all is well with everyone!

Doing fine here...just busy & tired, lol.

Hello everyone

Outpost, hope your bird will recover soon. Beautiful butterfly and the little girl (yours I'm guessing?) is so cute!
Guys I'm sorry...I think my post was worded poorly.
I've been dealing with several years (decades)of chronic depression (clinical at times) and I was trying to let NFC know I totally understand feeling "BLUE"......I'm okay....and I'll be okay because the thing I learned a long time ago is in time the hard parts ease up....
Guys I'm sorry...I think my post was worded poorly.
I've been dealing with several years (decades)of chronic depression (clinical at times) and I was trying to let NFC know I totally understand feeling "BLUE"......I'm okay....and I'll be okay because the thing I learned a long time ago is in time the hard parts ease up....
ok, glad you are ok. Keep checking in on byc so we can keep track of you. Hugs
It has been quiet here...

Hope all is well with everyone!

Doing fine here...just busy & tired, lol.

Hello everyone :frow

Outpost, hope your bird will recover soon. Beautiful butterfly and the little girl (yours I'm guessing?) is so cute!

She is:D. Those were some of the birds we sold. Just thinning down the flock a bit.

Today is DHs bday! I'm going to work early so I can get home early:D. He is 53. When he had heart surgery in 2005, they told him it would buy him 2 years to 18 years at best. We are all blessed with everyday we are given. But I feel very blessed to still have him.

Have a wonderful day!

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